The Justice card encourages you to always speak the truth and make a direct approach. The Knight of Cups is a card which depicts a young knight who is gloriously riding a white horse while at the same time protecting a cup as if he's a messenger of a positive sort. JavaScript is disabled. Sometimes efforts to overanalyze everything are of little to no avail. It is based on how someone sees you, and this can lead to unfairness and injustice. In reverse, Justice becomes ill intentions and vain ambition. Alternatively, if there have been instances where your behavior hasnt always stood up to par then unfortunately this person wont forget it either. You will learn more about them, and possibly discover ways to outsmart them. Dont give in to pressure; you can win this by sticking to the truth and maintaining an objective, firm, and decisive stance. With her sword, Justice delivers consequences for those who have done injustice to others. With their exaggerated sense of morality or lack thereof, they may have been prohibiting the querent from pursuing their life goals and obstructing their independence. As feelings, the Justice Tarot card can also mean that they feel there is a karmic connection between you both, especially if the 6 of Cups or the Lovers are also in the reading.. Rehabilitative justice is important, it's also for people who can learn and change. He might see you as an option, since Justice is Key 11, which is 2. If the Justice card appears in a reading, it is usually a sign that you need to be fair and impartial in your dealings with others. Trust your wisdom and your knowledge, and take a stand for what you believe in. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. Justice reversed also often reveals an individuals unwillingness to take responsibility or ownership of their actions. In reverse, the Justice card may indicate that the person of interest thinks youre stern, inflexible, dishonest, and demanding. View all posts by Lucas Taylor, Copyright 2023, MalcolmMackillop - All Rights Reserved. They admire your intelligence and critical thinking skills. Sometimes we fail to learn our lesson and find ourselves repeatedly making the same mistakes. Justice would advise you to think for yourself, to feel worthy and balanced, and to plan your actions within the boundaries of reality. The Justice card will often resemble a woman who is relatively close to the querent. Either way, a sense of injustice may start to creep in and if unchecked can lead to infidelity or resentment. You shall receive what youve been waiting for, and reach the culmination of your plans. Justice person is someone who weighs things pro/con based on facts and not feelings. No detail can escape the inquisitive gaze of Lady Justice. This person has a unique perspective on love. Maybe youre judging your emotions instead of letting them just be, thus feeling lost, insecure, and unable to cope. Were all the same in the eyes of Justice. Another interpretation might be that others see you as the Ace of Swords - an intellectual/scholarly person - or possibly as someone who loves to think from a place of logic and knowledge, using their intelligence to guide their decisions. A man in a Fez hat is striding away with five of the seven swords he wants to steal. You may want to reserve your opinion until you have sufficient information to judge the situation correctly. All rights reserved. Justice in love means that youll receive what you have given. I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. It depends on my mood. There are pros and cons to both of these ways of looking at justice in reverse. No spell removal upsells, we promise. The Justice card reversed as how you appear to someone means that they see you as cold, strict, and incapable of making the right decisions. They will always consider your opinion, knowing that your words are true and wise. Quite possibly youre going to be overwhelmed by your feelings and confused by your thoughts because an unexpected event will throw you off balance. 5 of Swords as ROMANTIC feelings - HELP please! Forgiveness is the opportunity to pay back a debt. As an action, reversed Justice leads to a shady path. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. In other words, justice is feeling good and bad at appropriate moments. Actions (or causes) lead to consequences (effects). Alternatively, if someone is single, the Justice card could be a sign that they are ready to start looking for a serious relationship. If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw Justice, that means this person sees you as some kind of mirror. Id love to hear about your experience. The Justice tarot card is a symbol of reality, fairness, and law. You did your very best, and yet something unfortunate happened. Beneath her crimson cloak, which is held collectively via a clasp, she shows the tip of a white shoe. What you desire will remain out of reach for at least a little while, but dont lose heart just yet. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. Eventually, a favorable verdict will be reached. Maybe from a sense of superiority or a grudge against the world, the person of interest wants to claim what they desire without any concern whatsoever about the consequences. It can also imply the want to lower the status of everyone so they descend to their level of cynicism. It may be in your best interest to lay low and avoid confrontations. You dare to look everyone in the eye, speak your mind with honesty, and value reason above all else. Cards combinations of Justice Empress and Justice Tower and Justice You have to focus and think rationally. You wouldnt want to cross her, she demands and deserves the utmost respect. What does the Justice Tarot Card Reversed mean in Love? You should know that we all make mistakes and have to pay for transgressions. They may often waver from the clouds of imagination to the sobriety of reality and back until they find the balance and clarity to realize even their wildest dreams! It urges you to figure out the intentions and feelings of the person that you like or love. As weve already established, Justice gives everyone what they deserve. Is your approach wrong, or are you being treated unfairly? Your calm temper and rational thinking may inspire them to solve their problems. Minor problems are of no importance; they will be dealt with swiftly on common ground. They find themselves thinking about you a lot and are aware of the fact that this isn't just fun and games for them anymore at this point. It means that your thoughts and actions are precisely what led you here. Strength is one of the best cards to receive when asking how a person sees you . However, she wont engage in pointless flattery or say what you want to hear; the truth is what matters most to her. . An independent person who can stand on her feet and find her way in life, she will understand and help you in any way she can, but she wont forget an offense, and wont offer forgiveness if you havent earned it. Justice then serves as a warning. I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. Justice acts from an established foundation, according to her own rules. You may also need to take a closer look at a legal matter that is currently pending. The Justice card foresees a long term balance and a peace of mind that will help you progress and solve your problems. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. How can this be explained with karma? But 10 of cups says that everything is whole and good. What does Justice mean in a relationship? Page Of Cups And 8 Of Wands As Feelings Simply face the circumstances with a sense of duty. She stands for perfection, fairness, truth, the law, and decisions made with a sharp and balanced mind. When describing someones intentions, reversed Justice indicates selfish goals and a need for affirmation. In a reading, its a sign that if you judge a situation objectively and weigh your choices carefully, youll be able to give yourself what you deserve. The Justice card is about getting what you deserve and making things right. Their sharp wit can range from cunning and creatively absent-minded to genius. They would agree to almost anything you have to say and even defend you in a conflict. Sooner or later she will appear to settle the score. On the flip side, if they sense any coldness coming from you then dont be surprised if their instinct is to take some time away remember that warm behavior can really go far! The Justice Tarot card identifies with the Air zodiac sign of Libra. This is a state of affairs where something just feels wrong. What youre expecting may be unreal, or you have not earned it yet. What does the Justice Tarot card mean Reversed? They show the truth and only the truth. When you see the Justice tarot card, it is a sign that you should examine your actions and their consequences. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. This likely happens to people who have received unfair treatment in their lives and have suffered from other peoples short-sighted choices. Your words may hurt their feelings, while an inconsistent behavior can create trust issues, frustration, and doubt. Justice only points out that we have to be fair, honest, and give back to those who have treated us with kindness. This is a religious reminder that what she gives you are the effects of their movements. There is no right or wrong answer, and everyone will have their own opinion on the matter. Justice as How Someone Sees You (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning By Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. Maybe you overlooked an important detail and acted in haste without considering the downside. Stress, failure, impatience, and seeking the unattainable are sabotaging your efforts for serenity. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Enjoying beautiful things. If theyre looking for signs of wrongdoing on the part of their partner, they may be missing out on the good things that are happening in the relationship. These intuitions take in data points, analyze them, and produce a feeling about the person we've just metlikable or not, friendly or not, trustworthy or not, attractive or not. If you feel you have been wronged, perhaps its time to speak your mind and demand an explanation. No one is ever totally wrong or absolutely in the right, whether it is a conflict of interest, disrespect for boundaries, or simply letting your friends down. But most of all, it is about wanting to do the right thing and to work for everyones well-being. There is tension and imbalance between you, and one party is avoiding confrontation. Although your relationship has ended, they feel confident in the decision made a closure that is satisfying to all parties involved. They can appear ruthless in their quest to achieve their ends and will even intentionally hurt others feelings to prove a point, and to make them feel like they do. The answer would be they feel betrayed by you, you don't have their back, you are not committed to them, and they may feel alone and lonely in the relationship. Theres something off with your relationship dynamic. Justice reversed in the advice position refers to unresolved issues of self-worth and overwhelming emotions. Be mindful of your words and actions, because they wont think twice if they see a red flag. Vekke Sind. You may be feeling a sense of balance or order in your life as well as freedom from guilt or blame. It will often mean that youre judging yourself and others incorrectly and too harshly. She symbolizes impartiality and karmic comeuppance. The Justice Tarot card reversed indicates guilt, injustice, an unbalanced mind, and the negative consequences of past actions catching up with you. Death Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! About us. Behind the king, there is a fish jumping out of the sea at the proper side, and a deliver at the left side, consultant of the emotional and fabric worlds respectively. People struggle with their choices every day, in career or romance or lifestyle, picking and choosing, and they miss the point entirely, lacking the foresight or resolve to face the consequences of their actions. Justice is about the search for truth. It is the wish to be treated fairly, as an equal, and to get reassurance that youre on the right track. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! They perceive you as an intellectual person who knows what they want, smart, eloquent, and powerful in some sense. It could, of course, be the other way around, with the seeker being the wrongful one, but these issues are kind of a grey area. Besides caution, there may be feelings of respect, admiration, sympathy, and reverence. It can also mean that someone sees you as very kind and caring. This card in reading about a conflict means that you are in the right, and that youve posed a correct argument. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. In the outcome position, the Justice card foresees a favorable resolution. This suggests that she is impartial and fair in her decision making. If you think this through, youll find out that there is no other possible answer. Wearing your heart on your sleeve. The number 3 in terms of relationships to me points to the union of 2 people to make 1 relationship. The Devil Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You When asking how a specific person sees you, the Devil isn't a very favourable card to receive. Justice shows up when someone sees you as a special and mindful character who cares a lot for others. His horse is orange in colour and has a mane that looks as if flames. With Justice reversed in the outcome position there may be some disappointment, delay, and complications. Her throne is embellished with diverse beasts of the earth, tying her closely with nature and abundance.
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