I am trying to search for hotfix installed on list of computers. https://code.visualstudio.com/ flag Report Was this post helpful? For whatever reason, using "find" is giving me an incorrect format error. If we run Get-Command we can see all of the . script because the shelf life isnt long enough to justify writing a function. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? PowerShell Function to Determine the Installed VSS Providers, Retrieve Information about your Favorite Podcast with PowerShell. Post patch deployment, I also needed to get the report to see if all the servers got the required patch installed or if any of the servers are still missing this patch. It is helpful to get the specified updates from WSUS database and save to the specified path. there is a list as follows: computer1 computer2 etc. If C:\users\xxx\Desktop\powershell\computers.txt is an actual file that contains computer names, one per line, and your account has access to it, then your code should not produce this error. Find out symbolic link target via command line. is enabled by default on servers running Windows Server 2012 and higher. 1 -Quiet){ most of them seem too complicated in my opinion. )(?=\])' ) | ? Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault! Long story short, dont use the ComputerName parameter of Get-Hotfix to query remote computers (Test-Path -path "$DirectoryToSaveTo")) #create it if not existing { New-Item "$DirectoryToSaveTo" -type directory | out-null } #Create a new Excel object using COM $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $Excel.visible = $True $Excel = $Excel.Workbooks.Add() $Sheet = $Excel.Worksheets.Item(1) $sheet.Name = 'Patch status - ' #Create a Title for the first worksheet $row = 1 $Column = 1 $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column)= 'Patch status' $range = $Sheet.Range("a1","f2") $range.Merge() | Out-Null $range.VerticalAlignment = -4160 #Give it a nice Style so it stands out $range.Style = 'Title' #Increment row for next set of data $row++;$row++ #Save the initial row so it can be used later to create a border #Counter variable for rows $intRow = $row $xlOpenXMLWorkbook=[int]51 #Read thru the contents of the Servers.txt file $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,1) ="Name" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,2) ="Patch status" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,3) ="OS" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,4) ="SystemType" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,5) ="Last Boot Time"$Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,6) ="IP Address" #sets the font and color for the headers for ($col = 1; $col le 6; $col++) { $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Font.Bold = $True $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Font.ColorIndex = 34 } $intRow++ Function GetUpTime { param([string] $LastBootTime) $Uptime = (Get-Date) - [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($LastBootTime) "Days: $($Uptime.Days); Hours: $($Uptime.Hours); Minutes: $($Uptime.Minutes); Seconds: $($Uptime.Seconds)" } #This will try every computer in computers txt against the following$computers = Get-Content -Path $computerListforeach ($computer in $computers) { #If it cant find an IP address it will jump down to the catch and write PC not online#if it can find the KB it will continue down the list and write it out to the excel file#if it can find the KB it will jump to the catch see that the ip is not null so it will write out the the KB isnt found try { $IpV4 = (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -count 1).IPV4Address.ipaddressTOstring if ($KbInFo = Get-HotFix -Id $Patch -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction 1) { $kbiNstall="$patch is installed" } $OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $sheetS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $sheetPU = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $drives = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq 3} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $OSRunning = $OS.caption + " " + $OS.OSArchitecture + " SP " + $OS.ServicePackMajorVersion $systemType=$sheetS.SystemType $date = Get-Date $uptime = $OS.ConvertToDateTime($OS.lastbootuptime) $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $computer $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = $kbiNstall $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 3) = $OSRunning $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 4) = $SystemType $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 5) = $uptime $sheet.Cells.item($intRow, 6) = $IpV4 } catch { If($IpV4 -eq $null){ $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $computer $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = "PC is not online"} else{ $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $computer $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = "PC HotFix Not Found" $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 3) = $OSRunning $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 4) = $SystemType $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 5) = $uptime $sheet.Cells.item($intRow, 6) = $IpV4 } } $intRow = $intRow + 1 } $erroractionpreference = SilentlyContinue $Sheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() ########################################333 ############################################################## $filename = "$DirectoryToSaveTo$filename.xlsx" #if (test-path $filename ) { rm $filename } #delete the file if it already exists $Sheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() $Excel.SaveAs($filename, $xlOpenXMLWorkbook) #save as an XML Workbook (xslx) $Excel.Saved = $True $Excel.Close() $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $False $Excel.quit()[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel)spps -n Excel. A. PowerShell 2.0 contains the get-hotfix cmdlet, which is an easy way to check if a given hotfix is installed on the local computer or a remote computer. PowerShell 2.0 contains the get-hotfix cmdlet, which is an easy way to check if a given hotfix is installed on the local computer or a remote computer. It has a ComputerName I realized I messed up when I went to rejoin the domain Welcome to the Snap! Gets the hotfixes that are installed on local or remote computers. objects in $A are sent down the pipeline to ForEach-Object. Install IIS First, we need a web server we can use to distribute the wsusscn2.cab file. This script will fetch the results like server uptime, list of auto stopped services, list of KB articles installed on the server, etc. It has been a crazy week to say the least. First of all, it's important to know where exactly the software list is stored. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. compatible. How can I find out which sectors are used by files on NTFS? Get-WmiObject -Class win32_quickfixengineering A place where magic is studied and practiced? Get-hotfix -id 2887595 -ComputerName SCCM1 Change the -ID parameter to what KB article number you want to search for and then the ComputerName for the remote computer you want to check, the result should look like this if the computer has the Update installed Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? How to prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Doubling the cube, field extensions and minimal polynoms. I'm excited to be here, and hope to be able to contribute. You can use the ComputerName parameter of this cmdlet even if your computer is not configured to run remote commands. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Luckily, we can do this easily from the PowerShell Gallery. Get-Hotfix With this useful command you can show all installed Updates on the localhost. permission to access the remote computers and run commands. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? oops, I missed some lines in the beginning which need to append to my code: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. How secure is SecureString?. And what are the pros and cons vs cloud based? Actually We have a WSUS server in which 200 computers are reporting (existing) . Yes, you can add updates directly to configuration baselines, but I am still learning PowerShell and wanted to do it the hard way. Wrap the Get-Hotfix cmdlet inside Invoke-Command to take advantage of PowerShell remoting. We can do the patch reporting with SCCM reports, but we might not get exact details with SCCM reports in some cases. Specifies a remote computer. Installer (MSI) or the Windows Update site aren't returned by rev2023.3.3.43278. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This seems to be getting the info I needed, but for some reason, I am getting the following error: ``` Get-HotFix : The RPC server is unavailable. But this script return not all updates. 3 I need to get all installed Windows updates with PowerShell. Bonus Flashback: March 3, 1969: Apollo 9 launched (Read more HERE.) More details about Patch Installation Status can be found in the following sections of this post. Specifies a user account that has permission to access the computer and run commands. Get-Hotfix sends the objects down the pipeline to the Sort-Object cmdlet. Type the NetBIOS name, an Internet Protocol (IP) address, or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a remote computer. wmic qfe. I'll keep working on it, I just need to dig more in my # if the directory doesn't exist, then create it if (! Results are exported to CSV files, not online, and exception computers are recorded in different text files. You can try using the Windows Update API through PowerShell like in the below example. (Test-Path -path "$DirectoryToSaveTo")) #create it if not existing { New-Item "$DirectoryToSaveTo" -type directory | out-null } #Create a new Excel object using COM $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $Excel.visible = $True $Excel = $Excel.Workbooks.Add() $Sheet = $Excel.Worksheets.Item(1) $sheet.Name = 'Patch status - ' #Create a Title for the first worksheet $row = 1 $Column = 1 $Sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column)= 'Patch status' $range = $Sheet.Range("a1","f2") $range.Merge() | Out-Null $range.VerticalAlignment = -4160 #Give it a nice Style so it stands out $range.Style = 'Title' #Increment row for next set of data $row++;$row++ #Save the initial row so it can be used later to create a border #Counter variable for rows $intRow = $row $xlOpenXMLWorkbook=[int]51 #Read thru the contents of the Servers.txt file $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,1) ="Name" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,2) ="Connection Status" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,3) ="Patch status" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,4) ="OS" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,5) ="SystemType" $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,6) ="Last Boot Time"$Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,7) ="IP Address" for ($col = 1; $col le 7; $col++) { $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Font.Bold = $True $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow,$col).Font.ColorIndex = 34 } $intRow++ Function GetStatusCode { Param([int] $StatusCode) switch($StatusCode) { 0 {"Success"} 11001 {"Buffer Too Small"} 11002 {"Destination Net Unreachable"} 11003 {"Destination Host Unreachable"} 11004 {"Destination Protocol Unreachable"} 11005 {"Destination Port Unreachable"} 11006 {"No Resources"} 11007 {"Bad Option"} 11008 {"Hardware Error"} 11009 {"Packet Too Big"} 11010 {"Request Timed Out"} 11011 {"Bad Request"} 11012 {"Bad Route"} 11013 {"TimeToLive Expired Transit"} 11014 {"TimeToLive Expired Reassembly"} 11015 {"Parameter Problem"} 11016 {"Source Quench"} 11017 {"Option Too Big"} 11018 {"Bad Destination"} 11032 {"Negotiating IPSEC"} 11050 {"General Failure"} default {"Failed"} } } Function GetUpTime { param([string] $LastBootTime) $Uptime = (Get-Date) - [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($LastBootTime) "Days: $($Uptime.Days); Hours: $($Uptime.Hours); Minutes: $($Uptime.Minutes); Seconds: $($Uptime.Seconds)" } foreach ($Computer in $Computers) { TRY { $OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Computer $sheetS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Computer $sheetPU = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName $Computer $drives = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq 3} $pingStatus = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_PingStatus where Address='$Computer'" $OSRunning = $OS.caption + " " + $OS.OSArchitecture + " SP " + $OS.ServicePackMajorVersion $systemType=$sheetS.SystemType $date = Get-Date $uptime = $OS.ConvertToDateTime($OS.lastbootuptime) $IpV4 =([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostAddresses($computers)|Where-Object {$_.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"} | select-object IPAddressToString)[0].IPAddressToString if ($kb=get-hotfix -id $Patch -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction 2) { $kbinstall="$patch is installed" } else { $kbinstall="$patch is not installed" } if($pingStatus.StatusCode -eq 0) { $Status = GetStatusCode( $pingStatus.StatusCode ) } else { $Status = GetStatusCode( $pingStatus.StatusCode ) } } CATCH { $pcnotfound = "true" } #### Pump Data to Excel if ($pcnotfound -eq "true") { #$sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = "PC Not Found" $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $computer $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = "PC Not Found" } else { $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $computer $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = $status $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 3) = $kbinstall $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 4) = $OSRunning $Sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 5) = $SystemType $sheet.Cells.Item($intRow, 6) = $uptime $Sheet.Cells.item($intRow, 7) = $IpV4 } $intRow = $intRow + 1 $pcnotfound = "false" } $erroractionpreference = SilentlyContinue $Sheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() ########################################333 ############################################################## $filename = "$DirectoryToSaveTo$filename.xlsx" #if (test-path $filename ) { rm $filename } #delete the file if it already exists $Sheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() $Excel.SaveAs($filename, $xlOpenXMLWorkbook) #save as an XML Workbook (xslx) $Excel.Saved = $True $Excel.Close() $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $False $Excel.quit()[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel)spps -n Excel.
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