Before he could corner the animal, it fled on the back of a speeder bike into the wilderness, but Ezra managed to plant a locator on the speeder before it disappeared. Sakurablossem3 and ChaoticEpicCat During the journey, Maul tried to sow discord between Ezra and Kanan by telling the boy that he understood his potential. For better or for worse is still up for hot debate, though it really depends on who you ask. Where are we" she looks up into the blue eyes of her Jedi "is this the afterlife.". Barris. When Yoda asked him why Ezra should become a Jedi, he claimed it would allow him to become powerful enough to make the Empire suffer for everything it had done to him. He Finds Princess Leia And Discovers That She Was Ezra and Hera Start Dating After Sabine Rejects Ezra And Begin A Secret Relationship. The two look at Anakin as the Holocron closes and returns to the bench. When only one of them disappears as well. Ezra then took possession of his armor. Please consider turning it on! He also convinced a Loth-cat to attack a probe droid. As punishment, his command was suspended. clonetrooper insert starwars +2 more # 11 Hera and Ezra One-Shots by BLUB 66.4K 1.8K 65 bungalows for sale beeston; golden . Meanwhile, the rebel Y-Wings were intercepted by an Imperial Star Destroyer commanded by Governor Arihnda Pryce. Hera orders Ezra to leave but he tells her that he needs to see it through to the end. There, he planted the holocron into the obelisk and was greeted by a feminine entity known as the "Presence"; who told him that the Temple contained the power to destroy all life. Even if the Rebels come back for him, it might be too late. However, Alrich and Sabine soon explained that the armor was a part of their heritage they couldn't surrender. Kanan decided to earn some by doing a theft job for crime lord Cikatro Vizago to steal Imperial shipments on Garel, so they flew there on an interplanetary ship. Once inside the planet's atmosphere, the rebels managed to find Reklam Station but discovered there were few Y-Wings that remained intact, a number that was reduced at an alarming rate. Sort by: Hot. However, she was somewhat reluctant to speak with him but understood theRebellion's need for that carrier. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. Maul convinced the Jedi and Ahsoka to join forces to bring the holocron to the top of the temple to access this knowledge and to fight Darth Vader, who had been alerted by the Inquisitors to the presence of the Jedi and Maul. Upon opening the cell, Ezra and his team learned that Hondo had an Ugnaught companion named Terba, who had been the original source of his information. Judging Sabine's skills to be wanting, Kanan instructed Sabine to practice with Ezra. When Hera assigned Sabine an undercover mission to infiltrate the Academy disguised as a cadet, Ezra asked why he was not involved in the mission. After the dust-storm cleared, the rebels left on the Phantom, but Ezra persuaded Kanan to return and help the clones. In the process, they lost several of the poison canisters they had carried away as evidence. Upon awaking, the Ghost crew found themselves in unknown space but sighted Lirasan in the horizon and Zeb left on the Phantom to drop Gron and Chava there. With Ursa apparently unwilling to help, Ezra prepared to return Atollon alone, only for Sabine to volunteer to come with him; her courage and the reminder of all that the Rebellion had done for her family convinced Ursa to send a handful of Fang Fighters and a group of volunteers along with Ezra. Ezra manages to placate the man by mentioning his parents, prompting the man to take off his hood and introduce himself as Ryder Azadi, a former Governor of Lothal who was imprisoned by the Empire for supporting the Bridgers' anti-Imperial broadcasts. Finally, they were able to pick up a transponder signal coming from one of the Geonosis' moons, Bahryn, and headed there to find Zeb coming toward them nearby, having just worked with Kallus to survive its cold conditions. If he is alive, he has no idea how, but then he remembers something. However, Sabine did not respond since she was preoccupied with the mission, eventually noticing a strange but familiar symbol painted on the spaceport's wall. Hondo had promised to supply the rebels with valuable intelligence in return for his rescue. When Ezra opined that the Mandalorians were crazy, Rau joked that he was crazy enough to join them. After stealing an Imperial Freighter, Ezra and the rebels journeyed to Mustafar and deployed the TIE Fighter he and Zeb stole a while back to dock them aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, and disable it with an electromagnetic pulse so they could search for Kanan. In order to get ahead of The Rebellion, the Inquisitors send their youngest member, The Thirteenth Brother, on an undercover mission. What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? At the time, Ezra didn't know the true nature of these abilities, which, in truth, was the Force. While traveling, Ezra befriends the Old Master, who described himself as an enemy of the Inquisitors and their Sith masters. Later, Ezra joined the other Ghost Crew and Cham's rebels aboard the Ghost in Ryloth's wilderness. Realizing Ezra was the Bridger's son, he told the Jedi-in-training that his parents were brave but foolish, and they should have joined the Empire to survive just like he did if they valued their lives. When Kanan objected, Maul threatened to trigger a homing beacon that would alert the Empire to their presence. Zeb's plan involved the rebels, Hondo, and Azmorigan leaping from the Ghost's cargo bay into the upper hull of the cargo ship. Kalani dispatched a wave of battle droids. It was simple really. "I wonder why.". While Chava and Gron elected to stay behind on their new home, Zeb decided to return to the Ghost resolving to bring more Lasat to Lirasan as he, Ezra, and their rebel companions departed via a safe route that Hera had plotted through the star cluster. However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. Ezra later accompanied Hera, Zeb, and Chopper aboard the Ghost while Kanan attended to a supply mission, and the group witnessed Mon Mothma's denunciation of the Emperor on HoloNet News. Trust me, Ive gotten out of Imperial hold more times than I can count.But you are a rebel, by definition, are you not?If I was? Luke nodded, as if in approval.Good. At that point, Chopper emerged and activated the explosives under Hera's orders. Ezra continued his Jedi training under Kanan and was instructed to levitate Chopper with the Force. (COMPLETE) When Ezra tried to make conversation with both Sabine and Ketsu, the two girls indicated that they wanted to talk in a clique and kept Ezra out of the conversation. I asked, not entirely serious. But he was no match for Darth Vader. Meanwhile the ghost crew are searching everywhere to find Ezra. By the end of the series, Ezra has the full gambit of Jedi abilities, which include enhanced jumping, running, and awareness, but also more specialized abilities like premonitions, force shields, enhanced telepathy, and even the Sith version of the Jedi mind trick, which is akin to full blown possession. One of the pursuing Scout Troopers followed them but Zeb knocked him out. As a generous measure for saving Zeb's life, Ezra shared a cabin with him aboard the Ghost, but both Lasat and boy often butted heads as they did not get along with each other. left kudos on this work! As it turns out, neither has his former Padawan. He flirted with Sabine and pranked Zeb, but with his jokey attitude he hid from the others what he really felt about his parents, because he didn't trust people easily. Ezras natural force abilities kept him one step ahead of the competition, as the talented force sensitive leaned on his latent abilities whenever he found himself in a bind. Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. While Hera and Chopper stay behind to repair the freighter, Ezra, and the other rebels travel down to Seelos on the Phantom. They were afterward greeted by the contact, who turned out to be Hondo, and Gron turned out to have fought in the Lasan Honor Guard with Zeb as his captain, much to Zeb's discomfort. After sending the Wookiees on their way, Ezra returned to his tower on Lothal with Kanan's lightsaber. Later that night, Ezra apologized to Kanan for using the Sith holocron. Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. On the way, Ezra freed himself by using the Force to levitate his lightsaber from the leading Stormtrooper's belt, overpowering him with the other troopers and locking him all in his cell. After Ketsu left, Ezra asked Sabine if that was the last they'll see of her. During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. Her father, though, insisted on destroying fighter carrier since it had been used to terrorize Ryloth and to demonstrate the Ryloth rebels' strength but agreed to support his daughter's plan after Hera pointed out that the two cells depended on each other for the mission to succeed. In a moment of anger, Ezra told his master that he did not need the Holocron or him. He was IC-13. Money, keys, credit cards, even my own heart, but none of that mattered more than stealing lies. ", Ezra looks around again, this time taking in the look of the room "where are we, and what year is this", "You're in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the year is 3256 GSC; why?". After hiding the latter, which they intended to install in Ryder's U-Wing, Ezra and Sabine were able to get back to camp with the help of a white Loth-Wolf. Work Search: Danny Rand is the long lost heir of Rand Enterprises who is secretly the protector of K'Un L'Un. A new d. "Hey" "Hey, yourself," the Twi'lek come to stand next to the Jedi. Their presence did not startle the Krykna. Ezra helped his fellow rebels steal an Imperial Troop Transport for Sabine to drive him, Kanan and Tseebo through a military blockade and managed to reach the highway, pursued by several Imperial speeder bikers and another troop transport led by Agent Kallus. Eventually, they manage to get the ship to face away from the black hole, but it is still steadily drawing them in, and the ship isn't strong enough to stop it. @prettylittleliarsreference. After training with the Sith holocron, Ezra's fighting style became more brutal and aggressive. His master sensed it too, but unlike Ezra, Kanan recognized the power to be the Dark Side of the Force. Ezra tells the other rebels that it is up to them and to remember that the Force will always be with them. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. With the holocron, Ezra utilized an advanced mind trick that forced an AT-DP pilot to kill himself and his comrades. Ezra Was Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Force Into Exile. Ezra is a S Ezra Bridger became the apprentice of Maul after The Ghost crew left him on Lothal for his own good. In response, Ezra and Rex headed to the command tower to override the locks. Ezra then told Kanan and Sabine that Maul had discovered that Obi-Wan was still alive and that he was inhabiting a planet with twin suns. According to Kanan, Ezra has a talent for making connections through the Force, which has enabled him time and again to summon aid from various creatures via the technique of Taming Beasts, including, but not limited to, a Loth-cat, Fyrnocks, the Purrgils, and most recently a Tibidee to help him and Kanan escape the Inquisitors. Chapter 1: Mission He was born to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, whose public criticism of the Empire led to their imprisonment, leaving Bridger an orphan on the planet Lothal as a child. Rau told him that the Mandalorians had fought for centuries. Working together, the rebels managed to scatter the first assault wave and reached the hangar. In the weeks which follow, he retreats into himself, determined to uncover the secrets of the holocron - but in his search for a new weapon, he risks losing a bit of himself in the process. After visiting Malachor, Ezra began to delve more into the Dark Side, using it both to access the Malachor Sith Temple and then in combat with the Seventh Sister. After hours of waiting, Ezra began to loose patience until the Lasat finally returned, having discovered that the planet was the original Lasat homeworld and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. Jedi. He does apparently kill some troopers while he and his team are escaping, but only because it was unavoidable. This "statue" turned out to be a new Inquisitor, The Eighth Brother, who attacked Ezra and his companions. Ezra and Kanan helped Zeb and Chopper back to the Ghost by exchanging fire with their Stormtrooper pursuers. Skywalkers cause trouble, Palpatine is the worst, and Sabine and Youngest Brother annoy the heck out of each other at every possible opportunity. Despite the dangers, Kanan argued that the people of Ibaar was counting on them and they could not give up. (Will be continued). Before Ezra and Maul could escape, Kanan and Sabine entered the cave. After Imperial forces destroyed a rebel convoy near Teralov, Ezra and his fellow rebels attended a briefing chaired by Sato to discuss the recent losses. While she went to investigate the first, she assigned Kanan to look at the second set, which Kanan indicated that Ezra should come along, since he was aware that his apprentice was eavesdropping and slid the door open to reveal him on the other side. Having completed their mission, the rebels fled into hyperspace. Do they find out what it the secret is? To avoid endangering the Phoenix Squadron, Kanan arranged for the Ghost to rendezvous with the Phantom in deep space, and Ezra met up with Ahsoka in her cabin. Which, to be fair, is, like, 80% of the truth. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. Anakin is understandably unsettled by the message from Obi-Wan and is frozen in shock. His parents were part of the earliest rebel cells on Lothal, and began broadcasting messages of resistance to their peers with the blessing of the planets governor. "What if I was huh? After the rebels lost contact with the Protectors on Concord Dawn's Third Moon, Hera assigned Ezra and Chopper to escort Sabine and Rau, on a recon probe of the moon. While exiting the apartment block, Ezra commented that the child was welcome to visit them on Garel, unknowingly letting this comment gets picked up by the Sister's seeker droid. During the briefing, Ezra reassured his fellow rebels, Bail, and Sato that they had given the Geonosians another chance to survive. So, the light cruiser opened fire on the Ghost and each blast kept missing the ship, and thus the Ghost miraculously jumped into hyperspace through the star cluster, knocking Ezra and his fellow crewmates out due to its bright blast. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But we must persevere. He was a weapon. His relationship with Sabine Wren was more complicated, as Ezra had strong romantic feelings from a young age, but despite the older Mandalorian girls initial disinterest in the egotistical street rat, the pair eventually developed a strong friendship. English Version! The Empire Transforms Him Into A Cyborg And He Starts Working For Them. "Sabine, I'm here. To avoid triggering the Imperial sensor lights, Chopper threw himself down the cliff instead of activating his thruster. When Ezra saw the fractured planet of Concord Dawn for the first time, he asked Rau what happened to the planet. Ezra Bridger has a special secret. The Ghost Crew rescued Cham and Numa from being pursued by Imperial forces and evacuated them and their Blurrg steeds aboard the Ghost. However, upon returning to the rebel fleet, the Chopper revealed that a tracker had just activated on the shuttle, which allowed Darth Vader to follow them. Once aboard, they were greeted by the Theelin crew member Gooti Terez and her human comrade Jonner Jin. Kanan finds his son he did not no he had and yes kanans son is Ezra and he is 1 day old when kanan finds him. During the Jedi first duel with Vader, and Ezra almost having his neck burned, the crew must help one another and train each other for the worst from the evil galactic empire. He joined the rebel crew of the Ghost . After receiving a transmission from Ryder about an improved TIE Defender, the Ghost crew managed to infiltrate the planets defenses with help from Vizago. Ezra and his comrades eventually reached a dead-end only to be cornered by several battle droids and a Droideka. At his urging, the Purrgil jumped to lightspeed, carrying the Chimera-and Ezra with it-to parts unknown. Sure enough, he did so just as Lyste and the others regain their senses, prompting the Imperials to see if she was all right. An unbeatable Bounty Hunter, he was the mysterious oddity that anyone would pay anything if it meant he worked for them, and them alone. Floating in a bacta tank while she recovers, Kanan's mind reaches out to Ezra through their Force bond, begging her to come home. Sabine tried to convince the teenage Jedi to speak to him and learn more about what happened, but Ezra didn't want to. A collection of one shots and short fics, where Ezra isnt completely human. This story takes place at the ending of Breaking Ranks. Unlike most Jedi, she wasn't immediately killed during Order 66 but arrested. Zeb was despondent because he could not come along and had to stay behind with Chopper and AP-5.
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