If. When even this fuel became scarce, a supply of fuel oil said to be equivalent to #3 diesel was purchased and blended with #2 diesel to obtain the required viscosity for proper combustion in the firm's kilns. This is expected. Additional examples of direct-fired processes wherein changes in fuel may lead to contamination are processes utilizing: Rotary driers Grain driers Smoke-curing units Vermiculite poppers Certain equipment in by-product plants. It is rich in minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and other B complex vitamins, the deficiencies of which can pose a serious cancer risk. Chemo enriches cancer stem cells, even while the tumor 'shrinks' It is sorta like killing the 'babies' but not the 'momma'. Blackstrap molasses is high in iron, vitamin, manganese and calcium content and these ingredients make it best diet supplement. So long as the PH level is getting right, any cancer would be either reduced or completely gone. Blackstrap molasses is an excellent source of the antioxidant manganese, providing about 27.5% the DV per tablespoon. [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter], ITG SUBJECT: NEW SOURCE OF LEAD AND OTHER CONTAMINATION. Why do some buds turn purple? Unsulfured molasses comes from fully mature sugarcane in which the cane juice is already concentrated. Calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide, which is produced by the action of water on calcium oxide, have a broad range of uses in the food industry which include the following: To meet Food Chemicals Codex standards CaO and Ca(OH) 2 must contain not more than 10 ppm lead. Blackstrap molasses, in particular, offers several health benefits alongside its rich, complex flavor., Molasses took Europe by storm following the conquest of the West Indies. Molasses is an outstanding source of potassium, which fosters healthy blood pressure and helps take care of heart health. Blackstrap molasses is a viscous substance, which means it has a thick, sticky consistency that's between a solid and liquid. Many people use blackstrap molasses in place of refined sugars for health reasons. Copyright 2009 - 2023. Ginger tea to help with nausea, Astragalus, Mushroom Formulas, (Fu Zheng) getting Vit. A fact sheet about acrylamide and cancer risk. Prevents Anemia Because blackstrap molasses contains iron, it helps produce hemoglobin and red blood cells to prevent anemia. New reports reveal the important role that molasses play in healing, curing, and preventing disease such as cancer and ulcers. Content may not be reproduced in any form. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3VJVScIyD4, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RBMnRmbNMr0, https://www.healbygod.com/dr-jennifer-daniels-turpentine/. Anemia a condition that results in a lack of healthy red blood cells is often caused by iron deficiency. Dr. Sircus has written and researched using bicarbonate of soda for cancer and many other illnesses. But it's important to note that on the great and powerful Glycemic Index, which ranks how quickly or slowly a food affects your blood sugar levels (via Harvard Health), blackstrap molasses clocks in at 55 which is considered low to moderate when compared to other sweeteners like glucose (via Livestrong). Here is a relevant quote from the study : >>> ' We highlighted the underlying mechanism of anti-osteosarcoma properties evoked by melatonin, including antioxidant activity, anti-proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and the inhibition of invasion and metastasis. Stir it up and drink it. Read about Protocel at www.outsmartyourcancer.com. I believe his post was from back in 2011-2012 maybe. Blackstrap Molasses contains vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium and . Primarily, producers crush sugar cane or sugar beets to bring out the juice. We thought something must be wrong with this particular brand of molasses but we soon learned that nearly all blackstrap molasses has trace amounts of certain chemicals including lead and acrylamide. I gave it to a few friends who had cancer and it helped them.I think meditation, vitamins, eating lots of vegetables, and thanking GOD every day really helps. Probiotics to support most of immune cells which are developed in the intestine. ?molasses is good or not?? Can I still harvest her buds? We can take this as a precautional activity done by the companies. Another is fruit phenols.. See link.. http://www.drweilblog.com/home/2010/7/27/breast-cancer-protection-from-peaches-plums.html. Most distilleries that use black-strap (because it is cheap and there . I can't speak to the remedy that you mentioned, but I would like to mention the use of melatonin in both breast cancer and bone cancer as well as its anti metastasis effects. '<<<. All No. Studies in animals indicate that supplementing the diet with molasses can help increase levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. When molasses hit the United States, it was initially used to make rum and remained the sweetener of choice through the 1800s, being less expensive than white granulated sugar. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002study found in theIndian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. However, no research clarifies that molasses will have the exact benefits for humans. See my posts on ph and cancer https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/cancer_questions.html#Question_2158 a little after. Why Does Blackstrap Molasses Have Cancer Warning? The World Health Organization has stated that profound levels of acrylamide in foods are a major concern and a major risk for cancer development. When You Drink Molasses Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body. What makes cannabis buds harsh to smoke? I underwent chemo but declined radiation. Protocel was invented by a chemist named Jim Sheridan. However, since these containa small but significant amount of magnesium, they should not be used while flushingduring the last 2-3 weeks before harvest. now i am taking a teaspoon a day in my daily smoothie! Your answer would be much appreciated. High-antioxidant foods, like blackstrap molasses, help reduce free radicals in the body, which are believed to be the primary cause of cancer. As per research, blackstrap molasses has more antioxidants than honey and other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and agave nectar. Now I am seeing lumps in the lymph node areas of the neck and collarbone. The fuel oil was later found to be reprocessed motor oil and thus contained tetra ethyl lead. To reduce the risk of side effects, start with a small dose and increase slowly if it suits you. Earth Clinic readers report a variety of side effects from using blackstrap molasses including cramping and diarrhea, hives, increase in mucous, sugar cravings and increase in blood sugar. Why should you care? I had a scan in September and showed clear. People should not depend on molasses as a source of these nutrients. Thus product processed before the combustion chamber is thoroughly hot, or processed with a "lean" fuel ratio (a short, blue, non-luminous flame) may become adulterated with aldehydes. Apparently, this cancer cure works exactly the same if you use molasses and Sodium Bicarbonate. It mentions POTASSIUM. At the very least, for those of us who are recovering I suggest a diet of at least 80% Alkaline and 20% Acidic", Protocol Prop 65 warning on molasses packaging I cannot attest whether the above therapy works for colon cancer, but it would do no harm. 5) Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda & 1 teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup water. Vernon Johnston was diagnosed with stage IV aggressive prostate cancer which metastasized to his bones. If you get stuck go to the garden of eden Texas, ask Quinn amazing man there who feeds 55k homeless people a year, he knows what to do, it's his land and community there. God bless you both. Blackstrap Molasses. He said to rub it on every joint and along the spine. (many small meals instead of 3 large) Organic juicing. So to sum it up, blackstrap molasses has not changed and we are not adding any lead. Everything About Blackstrap Molasses Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugarcane. add 7/8 teaspoon (approx) baking soda. I received so much relief from my sessions. I was so desperate that I remembered garlic was so good for so many things, what did I have to lose. Here's the things, I increased BLACK STRAP MOLLASSES in my daily diet lately.OUFF! He is on the site. I started the protocol and on the 12th day, I had a biopsy done on my liver. !.AT LEAST 2 big spoons a day, the few first days was stable, but after like a week, I increased my weight almost at 70% more then use to be! Molasses supplies no fatty acids. Some readers report that it helps with their dogs' arthritis! 10) On day 12, if you believe you're cured, you can stop taking the BAKING SODA CURE. The following review of meta analysis' shows that melatonin clearly increases one year survival rates : John, melatonin is not compatible with all drugs, so your wife's oncologist will have to approve and oversee her use of melatonin if she decides to consider it as an adjunctive treatment. There is not much evidence molasses can give you cancer, but regulations require that food with any amount of lead or acrylamide must have a warning label. As it runs in my family I have made a list of the books which I find might be of interest and I could send it to you or else go on Amazon and have a look because there you can also read all the reviews. But what happens to your body when you drink molasses every day? Some people who lead a vegetarian lifestyle still pop a teaspoon of the stuff to help boost their iron intake as well (via The Paleo Mom). Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. I tried following the recipe for the molasses version of the Kelman Protocol for cancer. These include nuts, seeds, and dairy products. I buy Safegard for 10 lb dogs, from Chewy, as part of my treatment program for stage 3 melanoma. That said, downing a tablespoon of molasses may not be everyone's thing. Those seemed hard to test. When you find off label anti-cancer supplements it's a good idea to have the studies with you to back up your research of the benefits potentially added to your wife's chemo regime when talking it over with onc. ", Cleveland Clinic: "The 5 Best (And Worst) Sweeteners You Can Eat.". I realize your post was more than 12 yeas ago, I just had to comment. The following study suggests that melatonin's methods of action may be useful in bone metastasis : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41388-020-01613-4, >>> ' These findings show promise for melatonin in the treatment of bone metastases. ' I would advise you to search for a few books on cancer. John. Eat extra lean proteins and #1 carbs and u know fruits, vegs etc. Yong, Yong W: So hurt you are dealing with this. Molasses is a thick, syrupy, dark brown sweetener that's used in a variety of recipes. Infact I had to take medication to stop this heavy flow . All fuel oils which require heating, either in the storage tank or at the burner may be assumed to be either No. 1 pm, pee on urine pH strip. After taking molasses I have developed hives. Buy tub of miso or Korean equivalent is fine (not from supermarket normal, go to oriental one or online and get large tub keep in fridge use clean spoons to take each amount out only) get dulse or kelp dry and trim it tiny bits then put in clean sterile jar, daily have at least one large cup of hot water with a tablespoon of miso mixed in and a dessert or half desert spoon of those dry seaweed in it, you can have two cups a day if want with seaweed just one time). ). Molasses offer a plant-based source of iron, unlike the meat-based iron resource most of the world's population uses to eat. (For the Biggest/Fastest Yields), Nebulas Guide to Cannabis Auto-Flowering Strains (2023). Taking Sodium Bicarbonate together with molasses seems to somehow combine together(isomer?) But unstead of lessening my bleeding I bled much more. One man claims he has found a cure for cancer and actually successfully treated his own by using baking soda. What is great about Earth Clinic is real people like you and I come and share what worked for us during a health crisis. Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body. All Rights Reserved. These include lead and acrylamide, which are known to cause cancer and birth effects. I have a question related to this treatment - If we are using Baking Soda / as well as Aloe Vera - which should be taken first and how close can they be taken? I found the therapy BodyTalk to be an amazingly effective modality. i wanted to take blackstrap molasses and after trying a teaspoon of it in my morning coffee had very bad side effects that included high blood sugar, diaherrea, cramps and dizziness. Have you tried the Joe Tippens My Cancer Story Rocks protocol? If you feel the side effects are too strong, you may always go back to taking the mixture twice a day, and when the symptoms lessen, go back to 3 times a day. Blackstrap molasses warning Consuming this product can be dangerous since it can expose someone to chemicals. This is expected. Or did I miss it? Iodine drops (4) from Lugol's, 2.5% human consumption type. Read my comment to John H, as well as the other comments.Also, do not allow yourself to be jabbed with any 'shots or [emailprotected]$'. Some coals used for direct-firing may lead to the contamination of products with hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide gas. Here is an important quote from the study: >>> ' Melatonin exerts its oncostatic effect by inhibiting angiogenesis, preventing cancer spread and growth, and improving the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and chemotherapy in both prostate and breast cancer. ' WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead and acrylamide, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. The sugar content of light and dark, according to Serious Eats, is about 70 percent, while the bitter blackstrap molasses contains about 45 percent sugar. Copyright 1999 - In the 1930s if you suffered from an iron deficiency, your grandma probably would have given you a daily teaspoon of molasses to fight off anemia, as it is rich in iron. If you heat it, heat on low. I am very concerned as I was expecting to be cured. Some companies dont play well together. so i stopped after 2 days. ----*DEIO/Investigations Branch HFC- 132*. Certain caveats about this protocol. Note: We are pleased to present the foregoing as the first ITG written by district personnel. 600W MH/HPS Cannabis Grow Setup & Tutorial, Fix Your Limiting Factor to Improve Yields, How Many Cannabis Plants Should I Grow? That's exactly what I was thinking. At this point, the smells have already been deposited into the buds. All rights reserved. It can make osteoporosis less likely. You can google Joe Tippens and read about how he cured himself with dewormer. How to Grow Different Cannabis Strains Together. Please provide the author(s) name and more identifiable info of the book you are referring to as there are several different possibilities Can hydrogen peroxide speed up the process? I am 80 years old, no problems, no drugs, no pains and maybe just lucky, but I feel great. ), [HLG Blackbird] 600W Premium LED Cannabis Grow Setup & Shopping List (up to 1.5 lb yield). Anything that you can add to ease our minds would be greatly appreciated. Natalie, I can fully understand how you feel, my mother died of breast cancer 12 years ago. On top of being a good source of iron, molasses contains selenium, copper, and calcium, all of which contribute to guarding against osteoporosis. But the key is to understand that if one change the "terrain" than you change the condition that favored the coming of cancer. Although the bioavailability of blackstrap molasses is about 85%, it is not readily absorbed into the body. Are there anymore suggestions? 1) Buy Arm & Hammer Baking Soda OR Bob's Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda. I just had to come in here to say that one of the things that fuel cancers is sugar! Molasses is a thick dark brown syrup that people consume as a sweetener. Another thing that is vital in order to recover, regardless of which treatments you pursue, is to address the mental, emotional & spiritual aspects of life. The piece was also written up by Dr Sircus, a well known natural allopathic doctor. He'd originally started with some med. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. I had used molasses for uterine fibroids. She also went on a organic healthy Mediterranean Diet, applied deep breathing exercise and Tai Chi to de- stress. We actually wrote to the manufacturer, and this is what they said: This subject is confusing and controversial right now. People can take advantage of it in baking, but it lends meals a distinct flavor and color.