He is in his nineties, with short straight white hair and wears eggshell white trousers and a short-sleeved blue shirt. "Why China's Climate Policy Matters to Us All" BBC News, Oct 29, 2021. bbc/news/world-asia-china-57483492. The majority goes into animal feed. Brazil has one of the world's largest cattle herds, more than 200 million animals. In particular, she says the program should have called out those responsible for this ecocide. Biodiversity the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems It encompasses the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life. Is it the very large number of people, or the small number of people with very few children who are actually driving negative impacts? This is Najin, the mother, who is 30 years old. When asked to reflect on Thunberg's achievements, Attenborough's respect was unequivocal. People claim these are cultures and traditions, but a lot is really just a marketing scheme by traders looking for the next animal to exploit. If you have money, if you have internet, you can literally order anything that you want. Sample Page; ; However, the supply is becoming increasingly unpredictable for all manner of species. Globally, there was a shock. Mr. Attenborough in his book explains the meaning of mass extinction as follows: For different reasons at different times in the Earths history, there had been a profound, rapid, global change to the environment to which so many species had become so exquisitely adapted. Five Steps to Help Save Our Planet 25 seconds; Acquaint the class with the important concept of bearing witness and its role in social change. This is a really big problem for the species of fish that prey upon the fish that we're harvesting, and this has huge impact for marine ecosystems. David Attenborough: (06:09) list the consequences of walking in darkness; tate brothers romania; lac courte oreilles tribal membership requirements; uva men's volleyball roster. At any one time, there could be as many as 100,000 trawlers operating in our seas. There is an ongoing debate as to when the Anthropocene would begin, but many suggest the 1950s since it will coincide with the presence in future rocks of an abundance of plastics and radioactive isotopes from nuclear testing. Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet, pp. The global temperature has not wavered over this period by more than plus or minus one degree Celsius, until now. Unlike so many other wildlife documentaries, which leave you feeling enthralled and uplifted, Our Planet also stirs up feelings of guilt. We found the closest relative to the virus in bats, in rural south China, in Yunnan Province. We've been changing biodiversity in really critical ways that made this more likely to happen. Cameras follow desert elephants seeking sustenance, bison roaming North American grasslands and caterpillars living the good life underground. Dozens . For instance, the global temperature anomaly in 2015 was 0.87C above the 20th-century average, while in 2020, it was 1.02C above that same average. If we carry on like this, we will see more epidemics as bad as this, and some of them could even be worse. They're forced to move higher and higher where it's cooler, and eventually there's nowhere left to go. But you have to choose whether you want to extract a sustainable, modest catch or have a big catch for a short term. The story of Italy's biggest Lotto scam, in which a ramshackle gang of unlikely crooks cheated the Italian lottery, "winning" a millionaire jackpot. Examine the fragile interdependence that exists between forests' wide variety of residents, including bald eagles, hunting dogs and Siberian tigers. Climate change. the over-fishing of the seas; Teachers seeking to further explore these issues, can have students investigate the Gaia Hypothesis and Gaia 2.0. the ridges extend for 28,000 miles, the largest mountain chain on Earth. While monitoring an emergency line, a vigilant FBI agent answers a call that plunges him into a deadly conspiracy involving a mole at the White House. We only have two left on the planet. One of the most important things that animals in the soil do is break down organic matter which can then be used for plant growth. Across the globe, the pressures faced by the natural world are becoming ever harder to solve because of our growing demand for nature's resources. Consider this message from Sir David Attenborough: The plan for our planet is remarkably simple: Reduce our impact by making sure that everything we do, we can do forever. If we had acted more seriously, many species could have been saved and we would not be facing such serious threats as we're seeing today. That's why I call it a taboo topic, because who's at fault? Ecologists called this a scramble competition every bacterium for itself! So I watched it go to six billion around 2000 or so, and I'm now probably going to see it actually reach, you know, nine billion in my lifetime, which is pretty startling. At this moment, we do have the Paris Agreement that says all governments should try and limit climate change to no more than two degrees Celsius. Starring: David Attenborough Watch all you want. Its simple. How can we save our jungles? One of the biggest problems is incredible - we actually waste about 40% of the food that is produced. The eight-episode Netflix original provides viewers with majestic scenes of our natural world, through the sobering lens of climate change. We've had swine flu, SARS, Ebola, and we've actually looked back over every emerging disease and said, where did it originate on the planet? Add English on-screen subtitles for videos. Complete biography of David Attenborough . Roll out the new green tech systems as they arrive. And the more the Earth warms, the worse the problem is. You have large densities of animals put in a situation with a lot of people. Students can write a poem describing their reaction to the film or inspired by the film. Only if we do that will we have any hope of averting disaster. Large chunks of the rainforests have been converted at prices which are astonishingly low given the cost to the rest of the world. If we continue on our current pathway, then what we've experienced this year might not be a one-off event. TALKING AND PLAYING WITH MOVIES: AGES 3-8, FILM ADAPTATIONS OF NOVELS, SHORT STORIES, OR PLAYS, FICTION (SOAPS, DRAMAS, AND REALITY/SURVIVAL SHOW), A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future. [8], In his speech, Prince Charles said he hoped Our Planet would educate hundreds of millions of people around the world about what action was required, while David Attenborough called on the world to "be responsible careful citizens of this planet which is our only home, and for the creatures that live in it. The Five Mass Extinctions That Have Swept Our Planet. Poaching is a brutally cruel business. He is a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. So we are simply moving our footprint on destroying nature to another country. Governments are recognising that they have to invest to drive out of it. All groups in the natural world are in decline, which means their populations are getting smaller, day by day. [5] It was four years in the making and was filmed in 50 countries, and over 600 crew members took part in the production. There were tensions between the park and communities. Lesson plans based on movies & film clips! There's a wave of revolution going around, especially with young people. Since 1970, vertebrate animals - things like birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles - have declined by 60% in total. A Life on Our Planet. We're seeing already that due to soil degradation and changes in the Earth's climate, food production in some parts of the world is going down. Convert your audio or video into 99% accurate text by a professional. Make your diet as plant-based as possible; Get a weekly digest of the weeks most important transcripts in your inbox. That desperate hope, ladies and gentlemen, delegates, excellencies, is why the world is looking to you and why you are here. Soy is a bean. And then we'll have no more killer whales left around the coast of the UK. Theres every reason to believe that the answer can be yes. And we're connected to that trade through things like the fashion industry. "What were you thinking?!". Wherever he went in the world, he also recorded music. Sir David Frederick Attenborough (; born 8 May 1926) is an English broadcaster and naturalist. Their habitat was under very rapid conversion from forest to agricultural fields. [2] It was later reported that 100 million households had watched the series as of March 2021. Bearing Witness to make a statement acknowledging that something exists or is true; often it refers to stating what other people need to hear but what they dont want to hear. They were on the brink of extinction. We already employ technology to make our lives more comfortable and to increase the number of people who can live on the planet. And I think they feel it, this threatening tide of extinction that is pushing on them. When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were three billion people in the world. One of the drivers for increasing demand is increased income in China, Vietnam or elsewhere. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. Unfortunately, the most affected would be poor people in developing countries. Sir David Attenborough spoke about climate action at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow on November 1, 2021. It's been called the escalator to extinction, and we see it all around the globe. Whenever we restore the wild, it will recapture carbon and help us bring back balance to our planet. Extend your content reach and maximize your engagement rates. This film poses questions that citizens must answer about the most serious and pressing existential threat to humankind. Make your diet as plant-based as possible; 2. More of this and Our Planet might have been a meaningful addition to the canon of natural history series. https://www.scripts.com/writer/david_attenborough/3824, Complete biography of David Attenborough , David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies 3D, David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive. Music composed by award-winning composer Steven Price. David Attenborough sits on a rock by a shore, facing the camera. But over the next few decades, the situation would start to change. What happens next is up to every one of us. We're talking about millions of animals being snatched from the wild, from thousands of species. Guests at the premiere included Prince Charles and his two sons Prince William and Prince Harry, Charlie Brooker, David Beckham and his son Brooklyn Beckham, Ellie Goulding and the series narrator David Attenborough, who attended the event to underline their support for action against climate change. Government in all three countries, conservation organisations and local communities started to work together with an emphasis not just on the gorillas, but on the people that live with them. David Attenborough: (03:16) the destruction of the Amazonian and other rain forests; [indistinct chatter] Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series that form the Life collection, which form a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth. Writing: Anchor Standards #s 1 5 and 7- 10 for Writing and related standards (for both ELA classes and for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Classes). They affect the immune system and they also cause reproductive impairment. We shape the future of the planet irretrievably by the decisions we take in this next few years. When Attenborough's narration tells the audience "We have destroyed half the forests on earth", she retorts "But, who is we? It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living." "It is that range of biodiversity that we . Over the course of his 60-year career as a naturalist and beloved wildlife narrator, the landscape of the natural world has changed dramatically. Mass Extinction a loss of three-quarters or more of all species in existence across the entire Earth over a short geological. There are many reasons. The Green Planet. We should be restoring not destroying wild habitats. Sir David Attenborough was 28-years-old when he convinced his bosses at the BBC to let him travel the world and document his explorations. Were going to have to learn together, how to achieve this, ensuring none are left behind. General Eisenhower, Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, upon discovering the horrific Nazi death camps said, For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. Even today, Animal Rights activists feed water to pigs crammed together in the large trucks used to transport them to slaughter both to relieve the pigs of a little of their suffering and to bear witness to that suffering. David Attenborough is a famous British naturalist. David Attenborough, in full Sir David Frederick Attenborough, (born May 8, 1926, London, England), English broadcaster, writer, and naturalist noted for his innovative educational television programs, especially the nine-part Life series. In addition, many of the discussion questions can be the subject of an essay. Last year, when Covid-19 first emerged, pangolins were pointed to as a potential source of the virus. It was figured out quickly that it was a coronavirus. The massive hit to the economy is no surprise. High-speed rail links have gone in there, roads have been built into remote areas. Presented by Sir David Attenborough, The Green Planet takes viewers on a journey into the hidden world of plants, to experience it from their perspective and on their timescale . Follow him @davidattenborough. And it's threatening our food, our water, our climate. The minute we build a road in there, we start getting exposed. They're used in the electrical industry. And we've found that those investments which are good for the environment are very powerful ways out of the depression that we find ourselves in. By clicking 'Allow' you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Notice. The grazing land necessary to produce meat is a major cause of deforestation all over the globe. Obviously, if you clear a rainforest or natural savanna and you replace it with a monoculture agriculture, of course it's unsurprising you're going to lose most of the species that evolved to survive there. There is no one correct response. And we have always opted for the big catch for a short term. There are all these things we know we have to do for biodiversity and for the climate, so let's bring them forward to this period of unemployment. In April 1986 a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine went into an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction and exploded. How to Save Our Jungles How can we save our jungles? Learn more about our use of cookies and information. She died due to entanglement in fishing gear. Yes, we are all complicit those of us in affluent societies with high-consumption lifestyles more so than anyone but there are greater powers at work. One part of the colony's a nursery where all the kids live and the parents fly out every night to get food. Only now do I realise just how lucky I've been. These data indicate that the long-term trend of global warming is still ongoing. Our planet is home to a seemingly infinite variety of species. He comments that all the evolution that led to the extinct species was undone by the five great extinctions. But some of it is actually imported into the UK. Instead, it prioritizes cinematic grandeur to an almost oppressive degree. Cultured meat, also called clean meat, is Meat for consumption produced as a cell culture of animal cells rather than from the slaughter of animals. They proliferate wildly. David Attenborough returns in this breathtaking documentary showcasing life on Planet Earth. Which means the smaller bodied species are the big winners. These are no longer predictions. Soil should be teeming with life. Below is a chart taken from Mr. Attenboroughs book, A Life on Our Planet My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future. The bleak warning from scientists at a major UN conference in Japan. In the last 40 years, the scale of global fishing has dramatically increased. [3], A second season is set for a 2023 release. CCSS pp. We found that in China, we have about 16% left of what we had 120 years ago. It's deeply tragic. We call this abundance of life biodiversity. But we drive it, actually. Attenborough particularly enjoyed travelling twice to the island of Skomer, off the west coast of Wales, last summer, said Fothergill, co-founder and director of Silverback Films, in Bristol. It was a brutal and unpredictable world. Here are just some of his most inspiring quotes on nature. And the rate at which they're increasing and crushing our economies, if we have one of these every decade, we cannot persist with that level. 31% of all emerging diseases have originated through the process of land use change. And since 2005, the government set up a tourism revenue sharing scheme. So they have no medicinal properties. The stability we all depend on is breaking. Links to the Internet 48. The last northern white rhino. Now, we determine how nature survives', Launch HBO's 'Our Planet' - 2019 Your Royal Highnesses, ladies and gentleman. But right now, the single biggest driver of biodiversity loss is the destruction of habitats. We had many poachers coming, setting snares, cutting bamboo. British naturalist and documentary maker Sir David Attenborough has issued a rallying cry to leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, saying the world was looking to them to oversee the recovery of the planet. If PCBs are not disposed of appropriately, then you can get leaching out from the landfill site, into river courses, river beds and back out to sea. I know what it is. I might not be here to see it, but if we make the right decisions at this critical moment, we can safeguard our planet's ecosystems, its extraordinary biodiversity and all its inhabitants. It's extremely distressing to see how these animals are killed. Its simply stating this information as fact, in as straightforward a manner as possible. Examples are all around us. The complete series [HD DVD] / a BBC/Discovery Channel/NHK co-production, in association with the CBC ; . Apple TV+ has renewed the award-winning natural history series from executive producers Jon Favreau and Mike Gunton and BBC Studios Natural History Unit (Planet Earth). We have systems to bring food to our cities and to remove sewage. [4], On 15 April 2015, it was announced that the team behind the BBC nature series Planet Earth would produce an eight-part nature docu-series for Netflix that would be released in 2019. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough. [26][27], During the COVID-19 pandemic, Netflix has made the series available for free streaming on YouTube as an educational resource.[28][29]. Students can be assigned to research and write essays on the current state of different parts of the environmental collapse and how that might affect our lives. At the moment, nature is coming as a free good. While in a country like the United Kingdom, where some very strong laws on how to reduce pollution, we do have to realise we're no longer a major industrial country. See also Anchor Standard # 2 for ELA Speaking and Listening, CCSS pg. Witness the planet's breathtaking diversity -- from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. We actually have no control. The deforestation of the Amazon is primarily to grow crops to feed livestock. Transcripts & captions for a better media workflow. See Film Study Worksheet for a Documentary Seeking to Persuade the Viewer On a Matter of Political or Social Significance. We've already lost nearly 90% of the wetlands around the world. To make things worse, those animals are very stressed, and we know that animals that are stressed shed viruses at higher rates. They live at super high density and are the ones far more likely to make us sick. She's a little bit unpredictable and can be feisty sometimes, especially when she wants something. So, things have changed. That's 175,000 pangolins that have been killed for the scale trade. . Reading: Anchor Standards #s 1, 2, 7 and 8 for Reading and related standards (for both ELA classes and for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Classes). The chart can be printed and given to the class before and briefly reviewed before they see the film. Part of the problem is that we don't have really good environmental laws that are global. And her daughter is Fatu. Venture into the deep, dark and desolate oceans that are home to an abundance of beautiful -- and downright strange -- creatures. Large mammals have on average disappeared from three quarters of the range where they were historically found. But it's the rate of extinction. It means that one million species out of eight million species on Earth are now threatened with extinction. And as we work to build a better world, we must acknowledge, no nation has completed its development because no advanced nation is yet sustainable. Your excellencies, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, as you spend the next two weeks, debating, negotiating, persuading and compromising, as you surely must, its easy to forget that ultimately the emergency climate comes down to a single number, the concentration of carbon in our atmosphere. aerosol spray or used in refrigerants were actually eating the ozone layer. How was Our Planet filmed? From a person that has seen just how quickly our natural world has disappeared in his own lifetime, at the present rate how little time could be left, what solutions, course to take. And everybody hoped that this would cut down the trade straight away, but unfortunately, that's not happened. We need to not just to talk about what we can do, but to do what we can. Often described as the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans, this multiple award-winning series features jaw-droppingly beautiful underwater . It's easy to imagine that we're so far away from these diseases' origins that it's nothing to do with us. Pangolins are the only mammal covered in scales, and this is their downfall. The narrator says FOR OVER 65 YEARS, SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH HAS BEEN. The body of this transcript consists of David Attenborough's narration from Extinction: The Facts. CCSS pg. It even puts us at greater risk of pandemic diseases such as Covid-19. In the Australian Wet Tropics, we're already seeing that with possums and birds that just can't handle the heatwaves. Nick Knowles had a brilliantly sarcastic response after he was fat-shamed by a . Increasingly, I feel it's not just about our current lifestyle, but about the education of our children on the way nature works.