Click here for Part 2:, Confusion: Keeping up with shifting lockdown and vaccine narratives, The story about why we have lockdowns has shifted over time from we have to flatten the curve to cases are rising. Masks didnt work, then they did, then you needed two, and then none if you were vaccinated. Now, we know with 100%, Those greedy oil companies! And as long as all the nukes arent creating some global nuclear winter nightmare. As our once treasured principles of personal privacy, free speech and bodily autonomy are dismantled (allegedly) because of a grave public health threat, how will we live, or dare I say, merely survive, in this brave new world? Today's. Now, his stance has completely 180'd; he's not only anti-vaxx now but thinks that the pandemic is essentially over with omicron and that we need to . But Only for the 'Data-Hesitant', The data continues to come in; omicron is exceedingly mild. With that transference, the path has been laid to re-trod some of the most awful and inhumane periods of history. The Peak Prosperity Podcast Peak Prosperity - Chris Martenson Business 4.6 40 Ratings; Featured voices on current and future economic and environmental events. We are on a dark path, fueled by dim actors who a, The highest goals of public and /or national level health agencies should always be doing the greatest good when the totality of their efforts are summed up. Could These Mysterious Clots be The Cause of Death? Peak Prosperity was my go to channel before COVID was "mainstream.". Click Here for Part 1 Click here, This is a critical episode. Information, commentary, analysis, and an online community for discussing the convergence of global issues facing the economy, environment, and our energy needs. Listen in to hear about how a remarkable young woman has crafted a beautiful life of meaning and purpose. These are the keys to my success and I am freely giving them to you now. Order Today! Dr Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity)is manipulating coronavirus data || Lmao @Peak Prosperity pt2 Geekcraft studios 7.32K subscribers Join Subscribe 2K views Streamed 2 years ago Dr.. Please remember, the Forum Guidelines and Rules still apply in these threads. No, not in the slightest. Click here to discuss: So whats an employee to do? Add it all up and I HIGHLY recommend you get prepared for a future of failure brought about by a distracted populace led by corrupt and ignorant leadership. To many, Rod Dreher seems like a walking contradiction. So, get ready for a future of lower oil supplies and higher prices along with related economic harms that will land most on the poor. And its time for us to understand what the data really tells us about how best to move forward in our lives knowledgeably and gracefully. We have a national sickness spreading throughout every American family. Click here for part 2. Let's take a bunch liberal book educated socially connected individuals, and put then in a no win situation Everything from, the mass printing and inflation, ESG, to Covid, to Vaxes, to CBDC, to W Way back in college I read Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (6 Volume My first thought, after watching this video, is Is it possible that the shipments lab Satanism is western. Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Chris Martenson, Founder and CEO Meet Chris and Evie! Perhaps the unvaccinated. Part 1: https:, You might be shocked to learn that your money in your bank account is not actually yours. IT'S OVER! My position is it doesnt have to be this way. We can do better. He officially parted with the Republican Party, yet is an edito, Is there anything you can or should do if you are facing a vaccine mandate as a condition of attending school or keeping a job? A life many are aspiring toward, This is my first video back after a YouTube strike and timeout (for reporting on a profound impact on womens health and reproductive cycles from vaccines), and its main purpose is to try and alert people as to where to find me and my reporting should a complete deplatforming by BigTech occur. The CDC has finally done a proper look into the protection offered by prior Covid-19 infection as compared to vaccination. Chris is joined by special guest Grace O'Malley in Peak Prosperity's first-ever livecast. CDC Completely Reverses Course. Add it all up and I HIGHLY recommend you get prepared for a future of failure brought about by a distracted populace led by corrupt and ignorant leadership. You need to pay attention to these things! Even better, there's no evidence that it has come from a lab - so that's a huge relief. He is a scientist by trade and education (notably in toxicology from Duke and an MBA from Cornell), and his treatises on the problems with the world's economy, the environment and how to survive any potential threat, are all based on and defined by data. I know I deserve to know that, as does everyone. While COVID-19 has occupied a lot of our intellectual and emotional energy, Odds Increase that SARS CoV-2 was Lab Made, Do you believe you deserve to know if the SARS-CoV-2 virus that has upended the world, and your life, for the past 20 months was made by humans? After reviewing the colossal and unforgivable police failings of the case in Uvalde, Texas, I discuss the role our so-called healthcare system plays in these tragic events. The 7.9% claimed as the current U.S. yearly rate of inflation is but a minimum bid on the true reality (which is certain to be much higher than what the government reports). So the hyperbolic vaxxed crowd calling for the unvaxxed to suffer, or pay more, or even in some grotes, The much anticipated FDA approval on August 23rd of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine made global headlines, spurring a new round of employer mandated vaccination policy announcements. A new study out on Jan 25th in JAMA shows that the mRNA vaccines elevate the risk of myocarditis by 133x above background rates. He is the founder and editor of the website Peak Prosperity. It uses energy. So many things are breaking so quickly right now that we must do what we can to st, Your "Adjustment Reaction" Will Be Your Fate, We were foolish enough to believe we could water the entire southwestern U.S. with the Colorado River. You know what? Chinas statements and actions are consistent with a nation preparing for war. Now we know why. Original Content 250. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics. Eventually all totalitarian systems end in their own destruction. With corruption now so deeply entrenched at all levels of life and government, new revelations of gross and corrupt behavior have lost their ability to shock. The powers that be are spinning up their protest and riot infrastructure once more, while police and everyday citizens must prepare for violence and rage. Original Content By Chris Martenson on . The Damar Hamlin case sent the keepers of the narrative into a panic. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics. Currently, diesel prices in the U.S. and Europe are signaling that serious shortages aBy Chris Martenson, Chris dissects the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter and the troubling reaction by triggered mini-tyrants.By Chris Martenson, The mRNA vaccines have been endlessly billed as "Safe and Effective," but are they?By Chris Martenson, "Watch the Water" is a hugely successful/popular 'documentary' that purports that Remdesivir is actually snake venom, and that what we call Covid is really people's reactions to snake venom. When you stack all the mistakes, miscommunications, and outright data lies and lapses into one spot, you have to ask, what is really going on here?, A comprehensive review of Ivermectin reveals that it is among the safest and most well-tolerated drugs ever introduced to the market. . Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Take a stand against censorship and medical nihilism! The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling. From Covid to George Floyd to U, The economy does not produce energy. All rights reserved. And that data becomes less and l, This video explains why people you know seem to have lost their ability to reason or even be reasonable. Page 84 | The Controversial Topics discussed in this forum are not endorsed by Peak Prosperity or the site founders (Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart). Perhaps their neighbor. If you dislike controversial discussions, we highly recommend for you to avoid this particular forum. Dr. Pierre Kory recently penned an exquisitely good piece on exactly how . Obesity, incarceration, psychoactive drug use, social media-driven psychiatric problems and moreall leading young people to check out in horrific ways.We know the problems are there. His hilarious stories and, Ben Swann, always provocative and entertaining, is an American television news anchor, investigative journalist, political commentator and alt-media entrepreneur. Yet we rationalize with slogans and make excuses so young people feel safe instead of healing them. Click here to discuss: https://www.peakprosper, No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases, As time rolls on and the months go by, more data is becoming available around the actual efficacy, safety and other attributes of the new experimental mRNA technologies which have been injected into now billions of people. The good news is, Want to understand why people are fractured into groups and fighting each other? Name: Peak Prosperity Website : Founders: Chris Martenson & Adam Taggart Membership Price: $30/mo, $80/quarterly, or $300/yr (don't have to join - lots of free information available as well) What Is Peak Prosperity? Royce Whites First Podcast Guest Was Me. The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling. They decry his critique of our public health officials as being uninformed. Youve given me hope. Could These Mysterious Clots be The Cause of Death? A very well-studied form of psychological warfare is being waged against us, and it's designed to encourage us to overlook where the shocks are originating and fight amongst each other. You'll need this information to prepare because it will impact us all. Here's the link to Part 2: Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. At Peak Prosperity we will interview anybody at any time about anything as long as we believe we have something we can learn from them. and what we can do to be more resilient in the face of such massive change. Today we are talking with Robert F Kennedy Jr about money, power and influence. Share. All rights reserved. Martenson is not focused on survival gear, firearms and food storage. Are those negative emotions deserved? Her tenacity and energy are contagious . The solutions you need to apply to each source are entirely different. August 12, 2022. Too many to pick from, but lets give it go. This argues conclusively that prior infection can be and should be a basis for vaccine exemption. It's a super-fast spreader, that's for sure, but there's nothing yet in the data to suggest anything other than it is not only mild, but the best of all outcomes; a fast-spreading, supermild ver, An Exclusive Interview with Pop Culture Phenom Zuby, Chris sits down with author, rapper and influencer Zuby to discuss everything from COVID lockdowns to vanishing human rights occurring across the globe. Click Here for Part 2, The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and Coincidences, The FTX scandal reveals profound corruption that could both span the globe and reach right to the top of U.S. politics. Click Here for Part 2, (Complexity Energy) x (Arrogance + Ignorance) = A Great Disaster, This is a critical episode. Catch Chris and Evie LIVE today at 5PM EST as they discuss the most recent updates surrounding the Wuhan Lab, TheCrash Coursehas provided millions of viewers with the context for the massive changes now underway, as, Today I am offering a set of tools to (1) foresee whats coming and (2) stopping these sickos. Well, not precisely, but pretty much. Become a free subscriber at Peak Prosperity here OR better yet, become a full paying member for only $7 for your first month here: https://www.peakprosperity., Scapegoats and Propaganda: Chris Interviews Royce White, In one of Peak Prosperity's best interviews to date, Chris speaks with former NBA player and current Big 3 and MMA fighter Royce White of Minneapolis, MN (twitter@Highway_30, Monkeypox! Click here for part 2:, mRNA Vaccines Elevate Myocarditis Risk by 133x. So, get ready for a future of lower oil supplies and higher prices along with related economic harms that will land most on the poor. It depends on energy. Too many to pick from, but lets give it go. Lets avoid a future of atrocities and the complete destruction of our way of life. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. However, unfortunately, none of the World Economic Forum or western leaders display any inkling of the fact that they live in a complex and nuanced world governed by reality. We must never resort to violence. Were now entering a Post-Growth era. A special date and time, but all the same insightful, time-saving, dot-connecting information.