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yes cymru committee

The public items of this meeting are being broadcast live on Senedd.tv, and all participants are taking part by video-conference. post@yes.cymru. Read more. @YesCymru account for the Vale of Glamorgan. 5m. Fucked if they've been facing harassment. He was set to face Shane Brennan . 6,469 signatures. I've seen lots on Twitter about doxxing and workplaces/family being dragged into things. YES Cymru's entire central committee has quit amid complaints of harassment. Chair. Yes Cymru - Central Committee. Before Covid struck, a trio of Yes Cymru marches in Cardiff, Caernarfon and Merthyr - modelled on the 2014 Yes Scotland campaign - attracted much larger crowds than expected. Sajid Javid said the Prime Minister is "absolutely" still an election winner because "we are delivering on our . 13. Snapshot: An archived version of Yes Cymru central committee have all resigned their posts can be found here. Tori West, one of the Central Committee members who recently resigned […] Over the last 18 months, its membership has grown from fewer than 2,000 to 19,000 members. It started as an idea. YesCymru is a non party-political campaign for an independent Wales. YesCymru is a not-for-profit organisation run by a committee of volunteers elected annually at our AGM. a new central committee is elected but disagreement over the . I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Also hope to get locally brewed beer in for the FringeFest as it's the Yes Cymru Abertawe group policy to try to use local resources as much as possible! Boris Johnson has apologised for not wearing a mask on a visit to a hospital last week. The collective resignation was announced to members in an email this afternoon and said committee members had been . In some respects, that does help businesses to prepare more. And he said he put it on as soon as he realised his . Detailed consideration by committee Bill Falls No No Yes No Yes Yes. 225. Now, all of these people, elected by the members, are being ruthlessly targeted with harassment, threats of violence and even revenge porn. The UK's Brexit Minister, Lord Frost, said on Wednesday it is not "inevitable" that their government would take that action, but . The idea took hold and as I booked Tŷ . August 2021. The group chose it's 8 central committee members at its AGM by means of an on-line vote, with a seemingly impressive 400 people in attendance. Iestyn ap Rhobert, who was the first Chair of the grassroots pro-independence group says he will step down from the committee at the upcoming AGM. Yesterday evening an internet meeting was held, with representation from the Central Committee and YesCymru groups from accross Cymru, with the intention of creating a positive dialogue in order to bring this unsatisfactory situation to an end. By 2020, the campaign claimed about 2,500 members. No. Since the last meeting, Andrew R.T. Davies has left the committee and Angela Burns has replaced him. 1,257 signatures. A backer of Welsh independence, who has become aggrieved by his treatment from YC supporters, said recently on Twitter: "Thank you for all your support but the constant hounding by Yes Cymru members and committee members has literally made me fear for my safety, my family's safety and my mental health. The group chose it's 8 central committee members at its AGM by means of an on-line vote, with a seemingly impressive 400 people in attendance. If you would like to share an idea with the national committee, you can do so by emailing [email protected] or your local group role holder. It is represented here today by the chair, Dr David Johnson. Wales must address these two issues for its people and for . Referred to the Petitions Committee on 3 December 2021. Protect the people of Wales - Take urgent action on the housing crisis now. Cefnogi Annibyniaeth i Gymru / Supporting Welsh Independence 1. Yes, in addition to what the Minister's just said, we have a specific team working with local authorities across Wales. Things were "orchestrated" - ie, promoted by the central committee, but most groups seemed to get on with doing what they could do best, as it were. This time, there's an opportunity for you to meet the new interim chair, Sarah Rees. So, Gower salt marsh lamb was the first new product, not just in Wales, but it was the first one in the UK, so it was great to have that, closely followed by the . indepence group took action against clinical psychologi­st Dr Dilys Davies after she allegedly told a fellow member of Yes Cymru that he was not welcome on her land. All money raised goes directly towards our campaign for an independent Wales by paying for specialist work such as social media and marketing, graphic design, advertising, leaflets, posters, banners and research. The committee includes representatives from all the local dental committees across Wales. 7 talking about this. Aelodau'r Pwyllgor a oedd yn bresennol. Age groups 18-24 - YES 82% 25-49 - YES 73% 50-64 - YES 51% 65+ - YES 43%. BritishHobo 10 points 11 points 12 points 15 days ago . Members (2021) 8,000. National Committee! For years, Plaid Cymru has been vocal in calling for the publication of the report. Yes Cymru has announced it will be holding an extraordinary general meeting to re-write its constitution. It has been stated that Yes Cymru is a grassroots organisation, and this is a true reflection of how things have evolved so far, with local groups being set up the length and breadth of Wales. Incidentally, Maes yr Odyn seems to be a mile or two from Mwdwl Eithin, one of Bute Energy's planned wind farms. The WCCD is the committee for community dentistry in Wales. The members of the Central Committee of YesCymru have collectively resigned and stood down from their roles with immediate effect. Wales There is now no "central committee" in place. Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest. Indeed the organisation seems to have shut down it's Aberystwyth branch and it's . Never on, and I wouldn't blame anyone for stepping down. Guide to the legislative process 5 Stage 3 Line by line scrutiny Further Stage 3 (Optional) Line by line scrutiny Report Stage . The organisation was formed in the Summer of 2014 and officially launched on 20 February 2016 in Cardiff. Ein nod yw ennill annibyniaeth i Gymru er. I'm very pleased to welcome the Minister Julie James MS here this morning, and also the Minister's officials: Emma Williams, director of housing and regeneration; Amelia John, deputy director of the housing policy division; Francois Samuel, head of building regulations, and Dr . The vote was taken during an emergency meeting that was called to discuss rewriting the campaign group's constitution and to launch an EGM Working Group. The Welsh GDPC is represented here today by me, Tom Bysouth, as chair, and Lauren Harrhy as vice-chair. Committee Members in Attendance. The decision has not been made lightly, but is taken in the best interests of the organisation. We've delivered a number of sessions online in terms of training in language planning and so on, and we've provided a great deal of support as they develop their new WESPs for the next 10 years. This is the subreddit for Wales, a nation that is part of the United Kingdom, on the island of Great Britain. The national committee is made up of YesCymru role holders + central committee members and meets twice yearly. The members of the Central Committee of YesCymru have collectively resigned and stood down from their roles with immediate effect. Okay, item 4 on the committee's agenda today is a ministerial scrutiny session with the Minister for Climate Change. The National Assembly for Wales's External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee's report on the Regulation of Registered Social Landlords (Wales) Bill has now been published. 1. But that doesn't mean stickers have no effect at all. Then, and perhaps to 're-unite' the property, the outbuildings and land were bought by Jenny Rathbone in July 2008 for £120,000. I had considered joining Yes Cymru at one point. Here's the company that's been set up. A backer of Welsh independence, who has become disillusioned with YC, said recently on Twitter: "Thank you for all your support but the constant hounding by Yes Cymru members and committee members has literally made me fear for my safety, my family's safety and my mental health. Yes, that's correct: we mention the £300,000 in the budget documentation, and, as Ken mentions, it's split between £170,000 for Commission staff and then £130,000 for Senedd Members and their support staff, which is included in the determination budget line. Initially formed in 2014 and launched in Cardiff in February 2016, YesCymru - a non-party, single-issue movement - has revitalised the debate over independence. Yes, from our perspective, I think I would just agree with what Chris has just said there. One of the founders of a Welsh independence movement says it must act to ensure "Wales is not lagging behind" if Scotland breaks away . "People want change, but that change won't come from Westminster. . Peredur Owen Griffiths AS 09:39:55. Cofnodwy gan Mawrth 29, 2018. Yes, we're doing quite a lot of work, making sure that food and drink businesses are aware, first of all, that it's a new scheme—it's obviously replacing the European Union scheme. Cian Ciáran, Yestival co-organiser says: "Westminster is categorically opposed to addressing poverty and inequality, and in all of its actions is making climate change worse. It was slightly alarming therefore to see those principles absent on leave in the election process held over the weekend by Wales's main independence group, YES Cymru. The committee election comes at a time when YesCymru has expanded to over 18,000 members and one recent opinion poll put support for independence at an all time high of 39%. The Tories in the Senedd will oppose the policies, but can do nothing about them being passed as Labour and Plaid Cymru will have 43 seats out of the 60 in the Senedd. Nation.Cymru. YES 59%. John Griffiths AS 09:33:13. Okay, item 4 on the committee's agenda today is a ministerial scrutiny session with the Minister for Climate Change. . . Referred to the Petitions Committee on 26 November 2021 The other two aspects are, if we look at changing the numbers of people represented here in Welsh Senedd Cymru, . I found out that people in Tŷ Tawe didn't know that Yes Cymru will have their next national committee meeting in Swansea and in Tŷ Tawe on 17/03/18. And, yes, they're all good ideas, and they're all ideas that my members are looking at, and the industry is looking at, but the bottom line is that we're being told by the plan the minimum number of houses we should be building is 8,000 plus a year. Welsh Parliament. Yes Cymru. YourCymru YesCymru. In September, the Committee on Senedd Electoral Reform published a report that recommended a wide range of reforms to the Welsh Parliament's arrangements, including increasing the number of Members of the Senedd, adopting a new electoral system, and implementing measures to improve diversity. Simply for trying to build an accessible movement, and happening to be young, female or from the LGBT+ community. Image: Ordnance Survey. We will not tolerate intolerance. Children, Young People, and Education Committee. On top of the constitutional changes there will be an election for a new central committee to run the organistation. Two members of Yes Cymru Cae . Welcome back to this session of the Equality and Social Justice Committee and the second panel of our inquiry into debt and the pandemic. But he added that it would be a "failure" if it did. Welcome back to the committee, then, for our meeting of the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee today, continuing our evidence taking on the impact of COVID-19 on our committee's areas of responsibility. I announced in our Facebook group - Yes Cymru Abertawe that Yes Cymru were to have their next national committee meeting in Swansea and someone suggested that we have a fringe event. Felly, croeso enfawr i Angela Burns. 32. A co-founder of YesCymru has withdrawn as a candidate for the organisation's Central Committee. 43. 15 talking about this. Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru co-operation agreement 'huge step forward'. Item 3 on our agenda today is in respect of COVID-19 and its impact on low-income households in Wales. Our aim is to gain independence for Wales, in order to improve the way our country is governed. Application Type: Approval of Reserved Matters. We are so excited to welcome you to our next Drop In Café; a chance for you as members to come to discuss with and meet some members of the committee. Yes Cymru central committee quits on mass immediately by DodgyDoner in Wales. It's "entirely plausible" that Labour could support Welsh independence in the future, according to one of the party's candidates. Just. . April 27, 2021. . Our aim is to gain independence for Wales, in order to improve the way our country is governed. Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru sign cooperation agreement that includes electoral reform December 2, 2021; Fair Vote Canada congratulates Amita Kuttner on becoming Interim Leader of the Green Party of Canada November 27, 2021; Poll shows strong opposition to one-party decision-making on electoral reform for Ontario and majority support for a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform . Welcome once again to the committee. 8,325 talking about this. The Cofiwch Dryweryn (Remember Tryweryn) wall was painted in the 1960s after Capel Celyn, Gwynedd, was drowned to create . yes .cymru. It is indeed interesting that only five of the original 'Central Committee: of Yes Cymru still are in post from the original twelve or thirteen that established the organisation. The next steps for reforming the Senedd. The Health Secretary has backed Boris Johnson to lead the Conservatives into the next election amid concerns over the Prime Minister's handling of the party in recent weeks. It's a key legal entitlement for children. Good to see things moving in a more constructive direction Maybe the following suggestion might also be helpful to Yes Cymru and the future independence campaign: *For the National Committe, representing all the Yes Cymru Members, to work on returning control of Yes Cymru back to the National Committee - and therefore give control back to the Members. Last year I stood for election to the Central Committee of Yes Cymru, this year I've decided not to - here's why. Welcome, everyone, to this latest meeting of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, here via video-conferencing at the Senedd. Proposal: Cais materion a gadwyd yn ol ar gyfer codi 15 ty gan gynnwys 3 ty fforddiadwy, yn dilyn caniatad amlinellol o dan gyfeirnod C09A/0518/16/AM / Reserved matters application for the erection of 15 dwellings including 3 affordable houses . As part of the announcement all remaining central committee members have agreed to step down so fresh elections can be held. Yes Cymru, which campaigns for Welsh independence, has begun a petition to stop the 'advertisement' being displayed. I'm very pleased to welcome the Minister Julie James MS here this morning, and also the Minister's officials: Emma Williams, director of housing and regeneration; Amelia John, deputy director of the housing policy division; Francois Samuel, head of building regulations, and Dr . 110. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This decision wasn't made by the Planning Committee, but through an . Yes Cymru's entire central committee has quit amid complaints of harassment. In the first section this morning, we looked at aspects around the economy and business, now we're moving on to some areas around transport. The collective resignation was announced to members in an email this afternoon and said committee members had been subject to intolerable harassment that "went far beyond social media posts". An Act of Senedd Cymru is a law, enforceable in relation to all areas of Wales where it is applicable. Locked. Buffy Williams MS. James Evans MS. Jayne Bryant MS. The Welsh Government has announced a new co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru across a number of policy areas to . Yes Cymru was first set up after the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, with the aim of achieving independence for Wales. The hostility to the central committee, once Sion Jobbins left, went way beyond a few members engaging in a Twitter war, although the central committee members would have us believe otherwise. May 5 at 4:18 AM. Representatives from these groups have been coming together every few months throughout the past year, as a National Committee, together with members of CC. Yes Cymru Abertawe FringeFest 2018. 23/09/2021. 110k members in the Wales community. Once the new central committee had control of YC's funds, it began dishing it out to non-indy organisations and groups. / markjhooper. Yr ymgyrch dros annibyniaeth Cymru / The non-partisan campaign for an independent Wales. The research, carried out by leading think tank Autonomy, found UBI would decrease overall poverty rates in Wales by 50%, and child poverty would decrease by 64%, bringing it to a . The question asked was: "If there was a referendum tomorrow on the transferring of more powers to the Senedd (Welsh Parliament), including control of . The latest from the Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee of @SeneddWales. In the last three years we've built less than 6,000. It's about clarity, going forward, and yes, okay, the Government has made this announcement to postpone again. Okay. Welcome back to the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee. Activist's ban from YesCymru committee 2021-05-15 - . Remember those pre-pandemic days. MC - Carys Eleri; actress, performer and Yes Cymru committee member Summaries by - Mark Hooper, Banc Cambria. Poverty in Wales would be halved if the Welsh Government established a universal basic income (UBI) system in the country, a major study has found. Yn Gymraeg: @SeneddHinsawdd. August 13, 2021. The Prime Minister said it was "barely 30 seconds" that he was not wearing a face-covering during the visit to Hexham General Hospital on November 8. They said that committee members standing up against bigotry had other 'agendas'. A no-deal Brexit will be back on the table if the UK triggers Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol, members of the House of Lords have told a Dail committee. Document Type Description Thumbnail Download/View; Online public document: Sylwadau_Economi_a_Seilwaith_16.10.19.pdf: Sorry, no preview available: Download YesCymru - The campaign for Welsh Independence. We believe in an inclusive citizenship, which embraces and celebrates the fact that everyone who chooses to make Wales their home - regardless of their background - are full citizens of the new Wales. We move on to item 4, which is continuing general scrutiny of Ministers Lee Waters and Ken Skates. But the internecine bickering and power games put me right off. And this latest "mass resignation with immediate effect" are the childish, spiteful and melodramatic actions of a bunch of egos who want the movement to fail. Proposal: Tynnu cytundeb 106 arwyddwyd ar gais 2/22/448B sy'n cyfyngu defnydd yr adeilad a'r tir i ddefnydd amaethyddol a dim defnydd busnes na masnachol / Remove section 106 that was signed on application 2/22/448B that restricts the use of building and land to agricultural use and no business or commercial use. I certainly know that stickers were not the only thing that was done by local groups or the central committee of Yes Cymru. Our movement is for all the people of Cymru. Welcome, everyone, to this meeting of the Local Government and Housing Committee. In a statement following her nomination, she said: "As a nation, Cymru is diversifying by leaps and bounds. We provide support. At the head of an undeniably insurgent movement in Wales is Yes Cymru, officially launched in 2016 and seemingly modelled on the Scottish Independence Convention, which emerged in 2005 as a cross-party platform to support an independent Scotland. And with this committee, we've also brought in other entitlements for children, clearly, in the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 and in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021, to pay due regard to children's rights. Although the public is excluded from the committee's meetings in order to protect public health, you are able to watch the proceedings broadcast live on Senedd.tv. The Central Committee of YesCymru has received a vote of no confidence from regional groups of the National Committee. The latest Tweets from Senedd Climate (@SeneddClimate). . On top of the constitutional changes there will be an election for a new central committee . YesCymru co-founder withdraws as candidate for committee election. In early 2020 I stood and was successful in the election to Yes Cymru's Central Committee. We ask . YesCymru: Welsh independence group must act, a founder says. Oddly these events seemed sadly reminiscent of Stalinist like activities of the 1930s. Yes Cymru / YouGov: Respondents asked to rate 0-10. You can bring some questions, discuss independence and meet other members! Application Reference Number: C15/0966/16/MG. It was slightly alarming therefore to see those principles absent on leave in the election process held over the weekend by Wales's main independence group, YES Cymru. FVC News. 126. Referred to the Petitions Committee on 2 December 2021. The other concern was the money. TPAS Cymru welcomes the Committee's recommendations and believes that it provides a solid foundation upon which the social housing sector can develop in future. It's against this backdrop that we've seen the emergence and rise of a new independence campaign in Wales. April 27, 2021. So yes, again this committee, it will, if there is cross party consensus will . Mawrth 30, 2018. gan galwadianto. The same applied to Plaid Cymru's national executive committee, but it will require the support of the party's members in a vote at the weekend. Vacant (Since 13 August 2021) Website. Prepare a bid for Wales to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest. YES Cymru has announced it will be holding an extraordinary general meeting to re-write its constitution. Not to be confused with Yes for Wales. The findings from Holden's report preceded another damning report at another mental health unit in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB), which led to the health board being placed in special measures in June 2015. YesCymru. On, and all participants are taking part by video-conference 110k members in the best interests of the Kingdom. Days ago is governed: //record.senedd.wales/Committee/12427 '' > Senedd Climate ( @ SeneddClimate ) | Twitter < /a Yes. Stickers were not the only thing that was done by Local groups or the committee...: //www.facebook.com/GwladMain/posts/1076801372723452 '' > Could Labour Lead Wales to compete in the best of... Optional ) Line by Line scrutiny Report Stage - yes.cymru < /a > Parliament. Is made up of YesCymru role holders + central committee members had been //www.yes.cymru/news. 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