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GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione. We can punish multinational companies who commit flagrant fouls on humanity and the environment by boycotting them. Now They Say The Vaxx Pass System Will NEVER END & Soon FORCED MANDATORY JABS Will Be A Reality!!! Yet this obvious pollutant from above is largely ignored. QAnon are a very important group of people, globally fighting and standing up for humanity!. Other companies targeted include Northvolt, Panasonic and Toshiba, the official said. We know that no plane hit the Pentagon or building 7, but what about the planes that we have all seen footage of hitting the twin towers. Watch film here. Read article here, End unlawful wars, parasitic/criminal economics and expose corporate media as propaganda, Revolution is from the Latin, revolutio, a “turn around” of political power. read article here, There Is No Covid-19 VirusNo record of “COVID-19 virus” (SARS-COV-2) isolation by anyone, anywhere on the planet, Freedom Of Information response from Canada’s National Research Council: No record of “COVID-19 virus” (SARS-COV-2) isolation by anyone, anywhere on the planet. Read article here, The Gun Control Issue = Freedom From Government Tyranny. Read article here, We Need A Revolution, But These Riots are an Anti-Revolution By Design, “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. A haunting sculpture of a humanoid robotic figure crawling through water is featured at the Grove Hotel in Watford, UK. In June Toronto will be on lockdown with rights and liberties severely restricted. Be bold. Read Article Here. Their plan was to kill at least 4 billion people and permanently enslave the rest of humanity. The power of programming and propaganda forged over thousands of years, is instantly lost forever, once the truth is known. That you don’t want to be liberated and democratized?”  “Then take this Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hanoi, Berlin, Dresden, Bagdad, and Basra…”   “Take that Vietnam, Tokyo, Gaza, Kabul, Pakistan, Tripoli, Belgrade, Egypt, El Salvador and Grenada…”  “And that, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Africa…”   Always bombing people to smithereens…  Of course, always in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights” and “free trade”. The Benghazi murders. Read article here, Radioactive Water One Year After The 3/11 Fukushima Attack, A few days after the one year anniversary of the Fukushima 3/11 attacks on Japan. Read article; 11 Articles On EHS | Living With Electrohypersensitivity | A Survival Guide here, SHADE the Motion Picture exposes the true power structure embedded in our global reality, showing the true controllers their plans to Geo-engineer our planet and control the populace. Read article here, George Bush Telling The Truth For A Change, This speech is created from clips of several speeches to tell us all what bush really thinks. The Pig in the Poke, 4. Secondary purposes of Geoengineering include controlling the climate/weather for warfare and profits, and destroying the natural world while furthering the transhumanist/synthetic biology agenda. Global renditions persist on his watch. The Food Chain Reaction Game In 2015, agriculture distribution giant Cargill sponsored the Food Reaction game, a simulation that would end with a global carbon tax. He mocks democratic rule. The math makes no sense any more, they need it to fail so they can start the next one hundred year pyramid scheme of fractional reserve banking. The federal government is desperate to seize control of the Internet because the establishment is petrified at the fact that alternative and independent media outlets are now eclipsing corporate media outlets in terms of audience share, trust, and influence. 1x Chain of Vapor. So the solution therefore is in unity we must stay. If you are playing competitively with Jace or LabMan I encourage add or replace with her, she is much safer and better. The intention was to get the people to call for and demand a New World Order Global Governance System [Problem – Reaction – Solution]. Empowered With The Truth, United We Stand For Peace, Freedom, Health And Happiness For All. Satanist Bill Gates has the patent for the technology from your body-to chip-to cloud to-cryptocurrency, and its name is WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA. He rules by diktat authority. 6666 which will allow the government to enter your home, say you have covid-19 a fake diagnosis as the virus is a fake. India targets major global firms for local battery ... Excellent critical thinking explanation of the situation that is upon us all. loop to exile all lands and counter spells then cast all spells. THE COVID-19 SCAMDEMICWe have hundreds of articles on exposing the truth about COVID-19 and all measures taken in response to it. Here or Watch Below, Agenda 21 + The Gulf Oil Spill Depopulation Event, The US government and the Chinese government are engaged in an motivated plot to relocate rural and suburban residents to more densely populated urban centers to live in overcrowded conditions where a person’s every movement and every activity is monitored. Read article and watch the video clips here. The downfall of modern human civilization is, as you probably guessed, also the downfall of the very idea that Big Government creates a better society. These posts have since become “the biggest ‘inside’ ‘approved’ [information] dump in American history,” giving we, the people unprecedented insight into a far-reaching shadow war between patriots (within and outside of the government and military) and an evil international cabal intent on destroying America and quashing its founding principles. That is a fact which many global warming alarmists just conveniently ignore. Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. MILITARY TAKEOVER: Fired unvaccinated nurses being replaced with National Guard troops, First batch of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine documents reveal over 42,000 reaction reports and 1,223 deaths, Important Study: mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: A Warning, CRIMINALS will rule during the CHAOS of societal collapse… psychological SHOCK coming to the oblivious masses who have never seen raw violence, desperation and ANARCHY, Senate Votes Against Mandated Kill Shots for Business, Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity finally Kicks Off in Poland, German Schoolchildren Subjected to ‘Ritual Humiliation’ Over Their Vaccine Status, 4 Shots Likely Needed to Fight Omicron, Pfizer Says as Fauci, CDC Eye New Definition of ‘Fully Vacci nated’, New Zealand: Pfizer “Confidential Document” Concedes that There Is a Large Increase in T ypes of Adverse Event Reaction to Its Vaccine, US Wins Appeal over Extradition of WikiLeaks Founder Assange, Video Footage That Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning Released, Video: The Origin of Violence: “Why do Human Beings Kill One Another”? …Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, ahigh-level National Security Council officer and others all say that the Iraq war was really about oil. Calgary property taxes are going up 3.87 per cent, or around $6.20 per month for the average home. The US “justice system” has been transformed by the Bush/Obama regime into the ”justice system” of Gestapo Germany and Stalinist Russia. What does the world do when it confronts unbridled evil, which is what Washington is? Read article here, Mind Scanners the next step if we accept naked body scanners. Irrefutable un-doctored photographic and scientific evidence, whistleblower videos, expert testimony and undeniable truths. 'Tax harmonization key in attracting FDIs in SADC' We are as a planet mostly all aware that 9/11 was a controlled demolition that resulted in 3 buildings collapse. Noxious Revival DeFi11 is a decentralised finance-powered gaming ecosystem which is trying to revolutionise the world of gaming by using blockchain technology. You cannot sit in denial any more. U.S. News & World Report - Volume 129, Issues 9-17 - Page 44 Cannabis Cures Cancer | High Potency Hemp Oil. Typhoon Haiyan | An Act Of Weather Warfare, The strongest typhoon ever to hit land, leaving destruction and death in its path, is conveniently attributed to climate change by the mainstream media but that is not the case. The Big Picture When It Comes To Naked Body + Behavior Scanners, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls. We must simply organize ourselves. The Fed is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and if the American people truly understood how it really works, they would be screaming for it to be abolished immediately. Found inside – Page 32tial premium as compared with the retailer who buys from Tax Danger Tocsin Sounded a local jobber , who buys from a ... It would be mins and stimulant , in the food for thought dished more than one - fifth of net profits in wholesale ... Read article here, Those who conspire for war, profit, and evil, cry conspiracy theory when their actions are questioned; The masses hear conspiracy theory and regurgitate it upon cue. It was submitted on 11 may 2015 to His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to Dr. Margaret Chan, MD, Director General of the World Health Organization, and to the United Nations Member States. What is it with Americans and sex? Daily global efforts with an aim to dominate the weather completely while dumping disease causing chemicals on us daily. JFK addressing the American people about the shadow government that operates behind the scenes. We do not get the newspaper at my house, but I have been known to snag the occasional grocery store flyer from the recycling and have a look. From local officials all the way up to the office of the presidency, corruption has encroached virtually every crevice of the civil structure, and yet there is no conjoined or unified effort by the populace at large to do anything about this travesty. Global daily tyranny of the few must end, this we all know. The injustice is literal: US government policies with war and economics are in Orwellian violation of basic laws. This situation affects us all. Some see an entirely new species emerging when revolutionary technologies begin to be applied to the human race. People have had enough. Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: ... Capturing him alive for interrogation would maximize the intelligence quest, if that were the real goal. who gets a useless ally. The scientists who have signed the Appeal have collectively published over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on the biological or health effects of non-ionizing radiation. The shares of publicly traded Texas companies in the Russell 3000 Index rose 383% since 2010 . Mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 12:15 p.m. Heres what we can do to change the world right now to a better ride; Take all that money we spend on weapons and defence each year and instead spend it on feeding clothing and educating the poor of the world which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”, Video of the quote Here | Bill Hicks on The Global Elite Here | and more quotes and vidoes of Bills here. AIDS and SARS are bio-engineered weapons designed to reduce the African (“Black”) and Asian populations. See the article, clips and the full movie here. Gidgetimer not only is your comment doesn't help in any way whatsoever it's totally unnecessary. Paraglide :: Fort Bragg - United States Army Read article here, Robert Stinnett published his book “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor”in 1999. Truth11 Films 12th Film release: Looks at the Events of 3/11/2011 and how it changed the world forever. The trigger was the planned collapse of the current Central Banking System which was always intended to be destroyed by the Luciferian cult to trigger their New World Order Slave Planet System. It is being done through chemicals added to our drinking water, food, medicines, and the air we breathe – chemicals that have the known effect of reducing fertility and shortening lifespan. What it is doing to our health and what you can do to prevent the planned global genocide that the elite is attempting. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They discuss experiments showing after hundreds of attempts they could not infect a healthy person with a cold virus. He wants it destroyed on his watch. It is quotes from the people running those organizations, words from their own mouths, telling you the evil they are planning to do and are doing to you right now. Camp Foster - United States Marine Corps The truth will enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us. …“If the Council on Foreign Relations could be said to be a spawning ground for the concepts of one-world idealism, then the Trilateral Commission was the ‘task force’ assembled to assault the beachheads. Subway began in August 1965 as a partnership between Fred DeLuca, a 17-year-old who needed money for college, and Peter Buck, a family friend . The elite know its going down and they respond by furiously further robbing us blind, transferring even more wealth back to them in fast forward. When you exile the mutated creature, you exile all of the parts, including Brokkos. The American police perform no positive function. Israel’s attack on Syria was a joint  US/Israeli provocation. They are solidly set against the concept of the nation-state and in particular, the Constitution of the United States. Read article here. Read full article here, Secret UFO Footage Released and several other clear videos showing UFO’s. Somehow, the new Innistrad set is upon us and I have to say it's a lot sooner than I expected. … The current economic crisis is being caused by the end of a pyramid scheme by the Federal Reserve Bank called the Fractional Reserve Banking System. Significantly, thoughts, especially concentrated thoughts, also form measurable wave patterns. Well it does and it affects millions around the world. Its time to wake up. Our future and our family is worth it. Welcome to Doctor Kaufman lays his reputation and his career on the line as he blows the whistle on what he describes as a manufactured crisis to carry out a planned agenda to facilitate global governance and population control. GO is in all Covid-19 vaccines. This can have a dramatic impact on one’s life, with some electro-sensitive people giving up their career, their home, social networks and sometimes even their family because it is difficult to live in, our modern environment that is now filled with electrical pollution and microwave radiation. He plans others. Also, and this is just my opinion, your friend shouldn't play a cEDH deck if they don't understand it, and definitely shouldn't be playing a cEDH deck at a casual table, which this sounds like it is. Their goal is 90% depopulation of the human race using deadly vaccines and 5G Weapons. Read article showing 25 signs that Americas Nazification is almost complete here. U.S. Government lost a Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit. See movie here, Let The Banks Collapse and Free Us All From Slavery, The peoples of Ireland, Portugal, Spain etc. Read article here, Bilderberg Meeting 2011 – Swiss National Councillors Letter About This Corrupt Group, This Group unites a kind of European and global elite of Bankers, Industrialists, Diplomats, US and European NATO Brass, crowned heads, Media groups, their Moguls and Editors, as well as Heads of States, whether retired or not, which coordinates, exchanges, organizes and structures, out of all democratic control, the major guidelines towards economic globalization. Read article here, Vaccine TruthNo documents exist proving saftey or effectiveness of any vaccine. There is only one way war will end. No longer vulnerable to permanent destruction because I can win off the trigger, When combo with Food Chain, she can dig more than Jace (5 total devotion to blue among the blue creatures, 6 if Mystic Remora is also on the field), She is a legal Sevinne's Reclamation target. It will be used as the foundation to build world government. The American mind has been under a government and media siege ever since September 11, 2001 when the Bush administration committed the deadliest terrorist attack against America in U.S. history. combo is assembled. Official website of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA). Instead the propaganda machine continued and with its perseverance the concept of peace was lost as being normal. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. Chipotle's smoked brisket was always intended to be a limited-time menu item. Food Chain Once the government decides that its role is to keep us safe, whether economically or physically, they can only do so by taking away our liberties. “65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to simulate how the world would respond to a future food crisis. Quite the opposite. Or why governments and medical groups continue to force fluoridated tap water on the public in spite of the fact that it has many known and proven health risks? For years following the bombing, countless victims’ family members, survivors, rescuers and ordinary Americans have questioned the official accounts about that fateful day. Trading one group of ‘few people over another group of few people is not the revolution we need. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.” Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government. In fact, there are only a very, very limited number of situations where a card's converted mana cost can change. Its time to make these COVID pushers held accountable! The tactic was nothing new. So, for Fireball, its CMC is 1 when in your hand, library, graveyard, exile, or ante zone; while on the stack, it can change (ex. Concise and effective, it breaks down the coming global information control grid in all its horrifying detail. Read article here. The First Sliver In the past week, independent weatherman ‘Dutchsinse’ shot several YouTube videos dissecting the typhoon system passing through the Philippines, believing it to be produced by weather manipulation, specifically microwave  pulse technology. Don’t get on the bus to the camps, resist Nazi Fascist control. Don’t get on the bus to the camps, if your on the Main Core list get off the grid. Read article here. We are at war with a Luciferian cult that has taken control of all aspects of world Society and all so called Governments. Found inside – Page 544The tax is imposed on every package or article imported , with certain exceptions . New Governor on Trinidad's Future Sir Bede Clifford's optimism : Food shortages and restrictions : Committee on agricultural policy BY CABLE PORT OF ... Attacking Syria is their latest provocation. Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real. The ostensible reason for the military-style takeover of parts of Boston was that the accused perpetrator of a horrific crime was on the loose. But there are no cages, or military guards on the streets to signify that America is imprisoned. WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden met with CEOs of different grocers and major retailers on the supply chain and . The following day his car was disabled with a magnetic pulse and surrounded by tanks, robots, and a virtual army of Secret Service and FBI agents. We are fed up. The key to understanding how 9/11 was possible can be found in a single government document, presented in context by Ventura in stunning detail. 2 million march on ending government tyranny | The largest protest in US history | Downplayed by the propaganda machine, The last thing the government wants is for the masses to rise up together and realize their power of strength in numbers. Each time, Trazi will trigger the ally's ability, burning for the win. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. Welcome the True Global Revolution: UNITY = The rise of the 99%. Read Article Here, As these videos demonstrate, overpopulation is a myth. The bogus official pancake story would not do this. By Thabo Makwakwa Nov 22, 2021 We out number the new world order millions to one. Feeds | Something that affects us all and poses a serious threat to our health and sanity. Businesses forced to close. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. …In order to maintain the illusion of a democracy, we are still allowed a presidential election every four years; and no one president can serve more than two four year terms. Washington wages permanent ones. We need more of these. Fall of the Republic warns what is in store for us if we do not wake up and take back our country and restore its once cherished tradition of liberty and limited government. America is a mere shell of herself. I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things. This includes the truth about our unbelievably amazing ancient history, the truth about who/what has been behind most all of the atrocities committed against mankind and everything else on this planet as well as the truth about what God/spirituality/enlightenment actually is and our intimate connection to the field. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.” – United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment, “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor. It also has information from interviews by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, with independent scientist Leuren Moret. In reality they are after our guns so we are defenceless against them. You are punished if you ask for more… The government gets up to 50% of your paycheck and then 10-20% of that goes to kill people on other parts of the planet…. You’re currently reading “The Food Chain Reaction Game,” an entry on, Thank You For Supporting Independent MediaIndependent media is fighting in this war to arm you with the truth and help unite us all, The Vaccine Is Killing Millions of People. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. TV, Anti-vaxx demonstrators block roads outside NYC mayor’s home, The epidemic that wasn’t: In 2006, doctors used PCR testing to cause mass hysteria over a “whooping cough” outbreak that didn’t even exist, Evidence for a connection between ‘coronavirus disease-19’ and exposure to radiofrequency ra diation from wireless communications including 5G, New Nuremberg Trial is going ahead, says Fuellmich, but a People’s Revolt is real answer, Andrew Neil is a monumental prat – the evidence … ‘It’s time to punish Brita in’s five million vaccine refuseniks: They put us all at risk of more restrictions, so why shouldn ’t we curb some of their freedoms?’ Because it’s fascism you idiot and if you want a live debate on it give me a call, Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen, MANDATED OR MANDATORY REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT | DO NOT GIVE IT AND THEY CANNOT FORCE YOU, Why Central Bankers Are Intentionally Collapsing Government, Vaccines Are Sabotaging the Immune System – Shingles May Hold Some Answers, UK Team File Complaint of Crimes Against Humanity With The International Criminal Court, LAPD Boss Warns Residents: ‘We Can No Longer Ensure Your Safety in This Lawless City’, George Soros Caught Funding ‘Abolish Police’ Movement. And anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. Confident with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent. La Sandwicherie Miami Beach. This system of revolution toppled a middle eastern dictatorship in less than a month. Read article here | Watch time lapse video here, Charlie Sheen’s Video Message To Obama here. One way to do this is by having a creature you can cast from exile, such as Misthollow Griffin . The cascade of errors and breakdowns involved 36 Navy personnel, the investigation found, including the commander of USS Bonhomme Richard and five admirals, who failed to maintain the ship, ensure . Just another addition to the long list of diminishing human rights. Taxpayers can claim up to $600 in tax deductions for charitable contributions made in 2021. Based on the Francis Bacon aphorism that “knowledge is power,” this is the extreme imbalance that renders the ruling class omnipotent and citizens powerless. Police State 4 | The Rise Of FEMA | Alex Jones, Another excellent documentary by Alex Jones. Fascist Police State. TSA groping at the airport. You either did what you were told or they beat you into submission. They ignore their own. all of SUltai's . In 2015, agriculture distribution giant Cargill sponsored the Food Reaction game, a simulation that would end with a global carbon tax. They want a reason to make the police state stronger. After closer inspection you can see that no planes were present in those towers either. destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities within three years; prolonging war on Syria by arming anti-Assad elements; Internet control through “cyber resilience;”. " In this series of three Books, (Part 1: Vegetables [now available], Part 2: Fruits, Nuts & Seeds [just released], and Part 3: Herbs, Spices and Wild Edibles [coming in December 2016], Joe Urbach, creator and publisher of the popular ... That is what happened in Boston. The main stock index, TASI was down very slightly 0.45 percent, reaching . In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. Articles that feel 2012 will not bring any changes to our planet here, Cybersecurity Is Framework For Total Government Regulation & Control Of Our Lives, The Obama administration’s new Cybersecurity system will only make the Internet more vulnerable to attack, while creating the framework for a massively upgraded government surveillance grid that will control and regulate every aspect of our daily lives through the implementation of “smart” technology. This group was trying to start world war 3 in order to reduce the world’s population by 85% and start a fascist world government. Read article here. It wants total unchallenged global control. Article Here See Video Here, Definition of deep politics: It refers to government in which two dimensions of action always coexist: Overt and covert, or benign and utterly ruthless. If you have ever been publicly critical of the government, there is a very good chance that you are on that list. ” Fourth Covid-19 Shot. It would be nice to think that the reason behind the gun control debate was the safety of the population. A former US government intelligence agent who worked for the CIA during attacks on September 11th, 2001, has given a sworn affidavit stating that 9/11 was an inside job. Corrupt fascist government ignoring countless health studies and reports claiming their levels are safe, which are 6000 times less stringent than European standards. DR VERNON COLEMAN’S REVIEW – THE GENOCIDAL CURVE – TIME TO SPEAK UP! Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. The inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation.

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