Brazil and Egypt have very strong economic, cultural and tourist ties. The first Brazilian collection of Egyptian antiquities was acquired by D. Pedro I in 1824. In tourism, keeping the characteristics of each one, both attract worldwide attention, Egypt by its pyramids and the Mediterranean Sea coast, and Brazil by its beaches that extend from north to south of the country.
In the field of the economy, relations strengthened mainly with the Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and Mercosur in 2017. The agreement has brought many benefits to both Egypt and the Mercosur countries, and can go a long way. It is also a viable agreement for consumer electronics, a sector where Egyptian items feature innovation and high technology.
Moreover, both countries are considered great powers. For Egypt, Brazil is a business destination of high potential due to its territorial extension and regions with different demands. Companies that are interested in investing in Brazil find in our office enlightening studies from each region. We help companies adapt to each market.
Brazil also hosts the Eletrolar Show & Latin American Electronics, the largest trade show of consumer durables good in Latin America, which piques the interest of Egypt and other countries to participate in order to expose new market opportunities. It would be an honor for Egypt to be present at the fair and to bring to the sector’s entrepreneurs the diversity of its products, very well evaluated in different countries.
Mohamed Elkhatib, Commercial Consul of Arab Republic of Egypt in Brazil